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Tablet mapping keeps changing

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Tablet mapping keeps changing

Sun Oct 20, 2019 9:55 am
Hey everyone, I'm sorry if this doesn't really make sense, I don't know how to explain it well.

I've recently gotten Krita and I've noticed that it keeps changing the mapping area around, while having more then one cursor. It's very annoying, but I can't figure out how to change it, so that it just uses the full screen mapping, and doesn't change it, when moving around the brushes.

Is there anyway to change it, so it just uses the one cursor, on a full screen map, instead of switching between?
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Re: Tablet mapping keeps changing  Topic is solved

Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:15 am
Which operating system are you using? I assume you're using version of krita?
Which tablet are you using?
Does the tablet/cursor/screen mapping change as you move off the canvas (the white painting area) or off the workspace (the grey surround) or onto one of the dockers or if you click in a docker area?
Can you give links to screenshots that illustrate the problem?

If you can provide more details, as above and anything else that you've noticed, that would be useful to the people who know about the details of this area of operation.

Also, have you checked for driver updates for your tablet or tried reinstalling the tablet drivers?

This entire section of the manual is useful to know: ... ght=tablet
Registered Member

Re: Tablet mapping keeps changing

Sun Oct 20, 2019 10:47 am
ahabgreybeard wrote:Which operating system are you using? I assume you're using version of krita?
Which tablet are you using?
Does the tablet/cursor/screen mapping change as you move off the canvas (the white painting area) or off the workspace (the grey surround) or onto one of the dockers or if you click in a docker area?
Can you give links to screenshots that illustrate the problem?

If you can provide more details, as above and anything else that you've noticed, that would be useful to the people who know about the details of this area of operation.

Also, have you checked for driver updates for your tablet or tried reinstalling the tablet drivers?

This entire section of the manual is useful to know: ... ght=tablet

I've actually just reinstalled the Wacom drivers, and it seems to be working properly now. I don't know why though, since its like the fifth time doing so. I might've just installed the driver for another tablet by accident. Sorry for wasting your time , and thanks for trying to help :)


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