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Krita black screen upon starting

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Krita black screen upon starting

Mon Oct 21, 2019 4:35 pm
Krita launches as a black screen. I tried to search about it already. My gpu in an integrated intel processor graphics card. I tried to update the driver but it didn't work. On krita, with the black screen, I tried turning opengl off, but strangely, it is black when I choose directx11 angle, while if I choose opengl the screen appears. However, it doesnt't show the movement of the strokes, basically being in a frozen screen. I also tried removing or moving the kritarc file in localappdata, and still doesn't work. I tried all I could and it still doesn't work. I don't know if this may be related to a krita version.
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KDE Developer
Which version of Krita do you have? If it isn't 4.2.7, please update. If it is, please check out 4.1.7 version (note the difference in the second digit).

But also... do you have a HDR display? If so, please either change the settings in Configure Krita -> Display -> HDR settings -> to Rec709, or download a Krita Plus package (there is a bug in some graphics drivers or something... in general, it will work if you just use the development version or 4.2.8 when we release it finally).


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