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Navigating along the animation timeline

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Hi. I'm struggling a little with Krita's animation.

Is there any way to move quickly along the animation timeline? I've zoomed it out to maximum, but my animation is far longer than the timeline can show. I'd like, for example, to move quickly from an early section of the animation to a minute or two later. What's the best way?

In audio software you can click and drag on the timeline to quickly navigate to a different part of the track, but click and drag (with or without ctrl/alt/etc.) is just used to scrub in the Krita timeline docker. There are keyboard shortcuts to move to the next keyframe or the final frame, but that's it. I've found that scrolling the mouse wheel does nagivate along the timeline, but very slowly. I'm sure there's a better way. What am I missing?

Also, is there any way to make the timeline docker scroll along with the animation during playback? I've looked at the documentation page but none of this is covered.

Registered Member
The longest animation I've done is 870 frames (at 15 fps) and when I open it I can use the slider at the bottom of the timeline docker to go over the entire animation at any zoom level.

How many frames do you have in your animation? There may be a limit of some kind but you'd need a developer to give advice about that.

I don't know of a way to have the timeline docker contents scroll with playback. If you're interested in proposing any changes/improvements then the Krita Development section is the place to do that and present ideas for discussion.

EDIT: Addition: I've just extended that animation to 2500 frames and again I have no problem opening it and using the bottom scroll slider to cover the entire animation at any zoom level. However, after I entended it to 1500 frames (initially), the zoom function stopped working but was ok again after a save-quit-restart. I'll have a look at that further, later.
Registered Member
Many thanks for the reply, ahab. That helped me solve the problem.

It turns out that for some reason the bottom scroll slider doesn't display in fullscreen layout (the default Animation workspace) on my monitor, so I didn't even know it existed. I also never realised that Krita has a status bar along the bottom - that too doesn't appear by default when I boot the program. It looks like the bottom 1.5cm is being cut off when I boot the program. Odd.

It looks like I can make the missing section appear by switching to windowed mode then back into fullscreen mode, which will do as a workaround while I figure out what's causing the display problem. So I now have access to an animation scroll slider, which is exactly what I was after.

Thanks again for the help. (I may suggest playback scrolling as a feature, but it's less important now that I have a functional scrollbar.)
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KDE Developer
If you don't see the entirety of Krita's window, try to go to Configure Krita -> General -> Window -> enable HiDPI, uncheck this checkbox and press alt+O. Restart Krita. Now it should be smaller (unless you're using a very low resolution screen).
Registered Member
Thanks for the suggestion, tymond. I tried turning off HiDPI, but it didn't solve the problem. It looks like Krita isn't properly recognising the dimensions of my monitor. I'll investigate more tomorrow.


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