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Jagged line at low zoom level

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Jagged line at low zoom level

Sun Dec 01, 2019 7:57 pm
Hi there,

I have recently hit an issue while using Krita 4 (very last release on macos).
Actually googling on the net I have seen another report of this issue:
- ... _on_krita/

The procedure is the following:
- open a default A4 page at 300 dpi
- zooming out ~30% (it can be less)
- draw quickly a little circle.
When doing that it is impossible to get a smooth line. The circle is like a sequence of broken lines

- zooming at full resolution (100%)
- draw the same circle
--> it is fine.
For the info this happens regardless the brush smoothing parameter. It makes think about an interpolation issue happening when the image is downsampled.

I am not sure it is a problem because when inking I am often at 100% (300dPI) or more. I will see tomorrow while trying to ink my last drawing. However, this is not super nice (it is not a criticism, the s/w is nice, full of good ideas).

As someone experienced the same. Is there a way (settings) to work this around?



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