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Losing quality when moving selection

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Every time I move a selection it loses a little bit of quality. It also leaves an outline of the image or words where I moved it from. This happens when I copy and paste to

How can I stop this?

Registered Member
Leaving an outline behind is caused by the selection being made slightly inside the region. It may be that your image area does not have a hard edge and so the selection tool went slightly inside it.

In the Tool Options docker, turn off anti-aliasing and turn on Limit to current layer (unless you do want to pay attention to the content of other layers).
Also set Feathering radius to 0 and Grow/Shrink selection to 1px or 2px or more if needed. That should make sure the selection stays outside the area.

There should not be any loss of quality of the image inside the selection when you move/copy it unless anti-aliasing during selection has had an effect inside the selection.

If none of the above helps then can you post images to show the problems you're having.
Registered Member
ahabgreybeard wrote:Leaving an outline behind is caused by the selection being made slightly inside the region. It may be that your image area does not have a hard edge and so the selection tool went slightly inside it.

In the Tool Options docker, turn off anti-aliasing and turn on Limit to current layer (unless you do want to pay attention to the content of other layers).
Also set Feathering radius to 0 and Grow/Shrink selection to 1px or 2px or more if needed. That should make sure the selection stays outside the area.

There should not be any loss of quality of the image inside the selection when you move/copy it unless anti-aliasing during selection has had an effect inside the selection.

If none of the above helps then can you post images to show the problems you're having.

Thanks for the advice! It made me realize that yeah it wasn't selecting the whole thing. Solved it by just selecting the whole layer and manually using the selection tool


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