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Problems with Stabilizer with Pen/Mouse

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New user to Krita. I'm using a Windows 10 machine, with latest Krita Download. My graphics tablet is a Monoprice with the pen.

My problem is using Stabilizer with the Pen vs the mouse. When I use the mouse, the cursor follows inside the circle, but with the pen, the cursor stays outside the circle to the upper left. Even when I am moving the pen down to the right, the cursor will move down toward the center, but is always up left of the center of the circle. I'm hoping I'm making sense here. Is there a setting I'm not setting right?

Tried to post a photo from Google Photos, but also couldn't get it to work. LOL yeah, I'm a mess today. ... gyOVpVaUZ3
Registered Member
My apologies if I have posted this in the wrong area, could someone please direct me? I am seeking some professional (or amateur) help and direction in using my graphics tablet with the software package Krita. If not, again, please accept my apologies and please redirect me?
Registered Member
You've posted in the correct area but I assume that nobody feels capable of helping with this one.
I did a search for 'monoprice' in the forum search facility, specifying the Krita forums, and found these which may be of interest to you:


Basically, it's all about the tablet driver and possibly Windows as well.

It may be useful to read this section of the manual: ... ht=tablets

You could also try going into Setting -> Configure Krita - Tablet Settings and try swapping between Win Tab and Windows 8 +pointer (Windows Ink) (remember to restart krita after you make any changes here) and also try disabling Windows Ink at the OS level.
These are 'kick it and see what happens' options but you can't damage anything by trying them. If you do anything that makes things stop working then obviously you change the settings back and restart.

The only other thing I could say is - Good Luck.
Registered Member
You could also try going into Setting -> Configure Krita - Tablet Settings and try swapping between Win Tab and Windows 8 +pointer (Windows Ink) (remember to restart krita after you make any changes here) and also try disabling Windows Ink at the OS level.
These are 'kick it and see what happens' options but you can't damage anything by trying them. If you do anything that makes things stop working then obviously you change the settings back and restart.

Thank you for the reply. I was beginning to think I had done something wrong in posting and it was invisible to everyone else.
Oddly, I also searched the forums and didn't see any of the links you provided. (Maybe I am the problem! LOL)
I have tried switching the Wintab and Windows 8+ boxes on the settings tab to no difference. i do not understand this "offset" and will play with that a bit and see what happens. Again, thanks!
Registered Member
Figured I'd post this solution in case someone else needs it.

I played with the offset settings, and although they worked (kinda) in Krita, I found that the System tray for the graphics tablet also had the same settings and adjusted them there. It took me several tries, but I could only get 'close' and the 'floating' cursor would slip outside the circle when I finished drawing a loop, so I kept looking.

On another forum, I found this solution, which seems to have corrected things along with my offset settings.
windows 10: control Panel - Tablet PC Settings - Other Tab and the click the link "Go to Pen and Touch"
In this window, I double clicked the setting: 'Press and hold' and then clicked the checkbox at the top to Disable it.
click Ok.

when I opened Krita, the cursor worked properly.

Again, thanks for the input! 8-)


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