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transform tool selecting entire layer instead of one object.

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I am learning Krita, the hot keys, interface, etc. I am doing simple tasks to experiment with the tools in Krita.

I have a goal that involves simple lines, the transform tool and the align tools. I would like to take one horizontal line and two vertical lines and make a triangle. I know this could be easily done using a shape tool, but this task is more about me learning to use multiple tools.

When I put a lines on the canvas, I have the horizontal line and two vertical lines at an angle randomly around the canvas. For a more "challenging" task, I have set the two angled vertical lines at the same angle and direction. When I direct selected one vertical line, it became selected. Then I transformed the shape using the transform shape tool. Instead of just transforming the single item I selected on the canvas, it selected all items on the canvas. I can't seem to find a way to not do this.

Are there any settings to make it so I can transform a single object on a layer without affecting the rest of the objects on the same layer.

Thank you!
Registered Member
Use vector objects on a vector layer instead of painted lines on a paint layer. Also, it's a good idea to keep different things on different layers with painted 'objects'. They may look like different lines to you but as far as krita is concerned it's all one layer of 'painted content'. You can always merge layers later and working on different things is easier if they're on different layers.


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