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Halftone filter "virus" infected my files

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While working in Krita, at some point I experimented with various filters, both built-in and Gmic. I didn't keep the changes, was just playing around, then got back to painting and saved the krita scene file.

Now... whenever I do an HSV adjustment (my most common filter, I do it all the time) Krita pauses for a long time and shows the little blue "updating" bar on the layer I'm adjusting, and occasionally shows a message about "updating the halftone filter" (though I can't remember the exact wording). Sometimes a message shows up along the bottom window border area, sometimes in a popup. But often no message, just a long, long wait for that blue bar to finish. When the blue bar does finish, I can go ahead and make HSV changes many times quickly with no more problems, until I close the dialog. The next time I open it, it happens all over again.

This is happening in multiple krita scene files for me now. I do NOT have any filter layers in any of these scenes. There's no visible evidence of the halftone filter doing anything either. I have no idea where the filter could be hiding - it's like it has somehow infected my scene.

Does anyone have an idea what's going on here? And most importantly, how to make it stop!

Thanks for any help...

version: krita 4.2.7-beta1
os: Linux (x86_64) release 4.15.0-74-generic
Registered Member
Update: It turns out it's not my scene files that are infected, but my krita prefs.

I made a brand new document, did one brush stroke, then brought up the HSV dialog. The same wait and blue bar thing happened, but THIS TIME something even stranger: The whole canvas flashed very quickly with a halftone pattern, then instantly went away.

I searched through my krita prefs and found:

Removing "halftone" from that line fixed the problem for me. Now this seems like a bug; the last used filter was re-calculated on a layer, then thrown away, every time I went to use the HSV filter. I guess I only started noticing because halftone is so slow... And it's probably another bug that krita remembered the last used filter as "halftone" even after I used HSV many times.

Anyway, hope this can help somebody else out in the future!

Last edited by kruthers on Fri Jan 24, 2020 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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KDE Developer
hey, can you report a bug to under the product Krita? We cannot keep track of bugs on the forum, and we only use the forum for helping people with using the program.
Registered Member
Sure no problem... at first I was fishing for information, didn't necessarily know it was a bug. But now, yeah.


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