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An advise on navigation.

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An advise on navigation.

Tue Feb 04, 2020 7:54 am
Hi, I'm a user that just recently started using Krita.

It's been a good start, but a bit complicated so far, the canvas navigation is a little bit too complicated (or at least for me), most likely I will get used to the navigation shortcuts, but as it is, I can't even place them on my Huion shortcuts, since there is a lot of combinations just destined to zoom, move and rotate the Canvas.

What I would advise is to use something similar to what Autodesk Sketchbook uses, since just using space, you have the option to move, rotate and zoom in/out your canvas.

It's just a little advise and my opinion, since while using the keyboard while using the graphic tablet it's a bit confusing and time consuming.

I hope that you guys like the idea. ;D ;D

Thanks for reading.


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