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Animation failed to render.

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Animation failed to render.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 1:05 am
Hi, I've been struggling with trying to get krita to render the animation that I created. In the past I have been able to render .GIF animations, but never mp4. I was successful in rendering 2 files of the mp4 I was attempting to make, but neither of them are able to be opened despite the fact that I did have the rendering set to baseline since I use windows. Since then everything has broken, the end file is not created, I get a sequence of images, the dimensions of the canvas are divisible by two(1920x1080). I attempted to render in .ogv, .mkv, and .mp4 formats and all of them had the same result if Krita didn't crash completely. I ended up going to the FFmpeg site and completely redownloading and reinstalling it and still I got the same result. In addition, I cannot for the life of me find the log files that are supposed to appear in the same directory where I save my files to. If someone could please help me that would be great.
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Re: Animation failed to render.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 1:00 pm
Which version of Windows are you using (it's probably 7 or 10) and which version of krita are you using?

Is there anything particularly different about the animations that did render to .mp4? Have you tried playing them in VLC (a free and good video player) ?

The log_encode.log file is made by ffmpeg so it must have had a problem of some kind.
Were intermediate .png frame files produced in your target folder while it was rendering? (They get deleted after it's all finished.)

How much RAM does your computer have and how much RAM is your animation using in krita (hover over the image size indicator on the status bar at the bottom of the screen)?

Have you made any changes to the performance settings? If so, what did you do?

What is the frame length of your animation and does it have many keyframes and many animated layers?

Can you do Help -> Show system information and copy/paste the output here?
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Re: Animation failed to render.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 1:22 pm
yes. Make sure not to use Windows media player as that doesn't really well. As a quick test, you can usually even just drag and drop the MP4 file in a web browser like Chrome. That seems to be the fix for quite a few people on Windows.
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Re: Animation failed to render.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 1:51 pm
ahabgreybeard wrote:Which version of Windows are you using (it's probably 7 or 10) and which version of krita are you using?

Is there anything particularly different about the animations that did render to .mp4? Have you tried playing them in VLC (a free and good video player) ?

The log_encode.log file is made by ffmpeg so it must have had a problem of some kind.
Were intermediate .png frame files produced in your target folder while it was rendering? (They get deleted after it's all finished.)

How much RAM does your computer have and how much RAM is your animation using in krita (hover over the image size indicator on the status bar at the bottom of the screen)?

Have you made any changes to the performance settings? If so, what did you do?

What is the frame length of your animation and does it have many keyframes and many animated layers?

Can you do Help -> Show system information and copy/paste the output here?

I have not tried playing them in VLC because I didn't personally have it. I tried excluding ffmpeg and all it's files from my firewall so that it doesn't get in the way, Yes, intermediate PNG images were created, but not deleted post production. Only half of them were produced before the process failed. I have not yet changed the performance settings. The frame length is about 980 frames. It has four layers and has a lot of keyframes. How do I test the performance settings? My computer has more than enough ram.
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Re: Animation failed to render.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 1:55 pm
ahabgreybeard wrote:Which version of Windows are you using (it's probably 7 or 10) and which version of krita are you using?

Is there anything particularly different about the animations that did render to .mp4? Have you tried playing them in VLC (a free and good video player) ?

The log_encode.log file is made by ffmpeg so it must have had a problem of some kind.
Were intermediate .png frame files produced in your target folder while it was rendering? (They get deleted after it's all finished.)

How much RAM does your computer have and how much RAM is your animation using in krita (hover over the image size indicator on the status bar at the bottom of the screen)?

Have you made any changes to the performance settings? If so, what did you do?

What is the frame length of your animation and does it have many keyframes and many animated layers?

Can you do Help -> Show system information and copy/paste the output here?

Update: Chrome is able to open and play the video. Movie maker is still unable.
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Re: Animation failed to render.

Fri Feb 07, 2020 3:04 pm
It would be very useful and helpful, especially for yourself, if you answered all the questions that I asked in my first post.

Additionally: It would be useful for yourself if you downloaded and installed and used the VLC player - it's free.

When you say that you excluded ffmpeg etc from your firewall, I assume you meant your antivirus/security application. (A firewall acts to prevent stuff going in and out of your network ports, especially the internet link.) I recommend that you disable it altogether, at least while you're trying to get this situation sorted out.

Don't think about the performance settings yet.

While the animation is being rendered, what does Task Manager tell you about the RAM usage of krita? (This will be krita the application itself plus its image RAM and animation rendering management RAM.)

With 980 frames and 'a lot of keyframes', whatever number that actually is, I tend to think about RAM usage.

Is your target folder in the C:\Users\chestnut\ area, in a 'normal' folder and not in a live synchronised Dropbox/Google/etc service folder?

Are you running any other applications while this is going on? e.g playing YouTube music videos in a browser (some people do that). Don't use any other applications at the same time until this is sorted out.


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