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Krita rendering and playback

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Krita rendering and playback

Sun Feb 16, 2020 7:06 pm
Whenever I scrub through my animation, it glitches almost all of the images and I can't get a smooth animation. I've tried rendering it to see how it would look in a video but my laptop can even open the file. I've tried rendering it as every file type.
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Re: Krita rendering and playback

Mon Feb 17, 2020 11:40 am
Which OS and which version of krita are you using?

If you're using Windows, it would be a good idea to install and use the VLC player (it's free) and works with just about any video format. It's certainly much better than whatever Windows has as standard.

As for glitching with scrubbing along the timeline, there are various performance factors and settings that could affect this.
Does it play well inside krita itself?
How big (canvas size and length) is your animation?
How much RAM do you have in your computer? How much RAM does your animation use? (See the status bar at the bottom of the main window.)
Have you used the Task Manager to see how much RAM is actually being used?
Are you running any other applications at the same time?
Have you tried putting the animation cache storage in memory instead of on-disk? (Not a good idea if you have a small amount of RAM.)


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