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vector graphic and general questions

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First of all, thank you for this amazing program.

Because I am a newbee and an old lady, I have run into things that I cannot solve myself, although I have read in the user manual and have browsed posts in this forum.
I am in the process of making templates for needlework. Figures to be made of felt.
In order for the figures to be as accurate as possible, I have chosen to use vector graphics.

1. How can I change the brush type and thickness of an entire layer at once?

2. How is it possible to make part of line of an ellipse or or other figure either invisible or to have an other line style, e.g. between two nodes?

3. How can I change brush color one whole layer at a time?

Thank you in advance for your help.
Registered Member
To answer your questions in the order of 'easiness':

3. Select every object in the layer. This is best done by using the Select Shapes Tool cursor to drag out a rectangular 'box', which is a blue colour, that encloses the entire canvas.
With every object selected, use the Tool Options Docker, Stroke properties tab to change the colour of every object's stroke to whatever you want.
Then deselect by clicking off-canvas.

1. You can't use a brush type on a vector object. The brush size determines the stroke thickness of the vector lines but the stroke properties are limited to those shown in the Tool Options docker, Stroke properties tab. You can vary the Line Style to have a variety of dotted-dashed patterns.

The properties of all the objects in the layer can be changed in one operation by selecting them all as noted in the above answer to question 3.

2. This is possible but it involves a lot of messing about with conversion to a path, node editing, point/segment breaking and then a logical split operation to convert the ellipse into two separate paths/objects.
If I was doing this, I'd make copies of the vector object (with different line styles) on separate layers and then convert them to paint layers and do manual 'painting/erasing' style editing to get the end result.
After doing this, you couldn't change size position easily as you can with vector objects so the thing is to make sure you've got that part right before going to a painted/raster version. If you make a mistake, you can edit the original vector object then repeat the process.
Registered Member
Thank you for your quick reply :)

ad. 3. Great - this works.
My fault I used the wrong selection tool. Also tryed with select all.
ad 1. I shouldn't have wrote brush but line.
ad 2. I already tryed with converting to paint layer, but as you mention there is a lot that can't be done easy afterwards. But your idea making copies of the object with different line styles I find very usefull.

Thanks again


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