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Krita Doesn't Work Well With The XP-Pen 15.6 Pro Pen Tablet.

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i use Manga Studio/Clip Studio for my paintings, and i use Aseprite for pixelart. i use an XP-Pen 15.6 Pro for a tablet. and Windows 10 for my OS.

i wanted to try krita after a lot of websites recommending it. but it barely work with my tablet at all.
if i use my mouse for anything krita stop recognizing my pen. i have to click on my other monitor then use my tablet pen on my tablet to get it to register my pen again.
if i select another opened file in krita with my tablet's pen, my pen is no longer working.
it often, like REALLY often randomly stops registering my tablet's pen.
there is no pressure sensitivity for my tablet and pen.
after all these issues i opened up Manga Studio/Clip Studio and everything works fine, every problem krita gave me was gone, so i know it's NOT my pen tablet's fault.

(and to a lesser degree all the hotkeys are very user unfriendly, i feel a lot of artist are used to photoshop hotkeys.)
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KDE Developer
No, you don't know whether its the tablet's fault or not. Tablet drivers are often tested with only a few applications, and apparently xp-pen doesn't test their tablets with Krita. Applications don't support a specific tablet, applications implement support for a specific API, on Windows either Wintab of the Windows Pointer API (or the platform they are built on supports those API's, which is the case for Krita).

XP-Pen is known to be really, really, really bad. We get more complaints about XP-Pen than about any other brand, but here's the thing: there are also plenty of people who report that their xp-pen tablet works fine with Krita, on Windows 10.

Since we don't have xp-pen hardware to test and investigate in what way the xp-pen people have made a mess of their driver implementation, we don't know what's up -- and chances are that if we'd get the hardware it would work fine for us.

Note that when using the wintab driver, the driver will keep a per-application context and change the way it works per application, and that context will be persistent. You would need to find a way to reset the tablet driver completely, clear its settings and then try again; you might also find that switching in Krita's settings between wintab and the windows pointer api might make a difference.


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