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Is there a way to transform a vector path into a selection?

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I'm trying to make a more precise selection in Krita. I'd like to be able to edit the curves between anchor points after the path is made, and then turn it into a selection, just like in photoshop's pen tool. Bezier Curve selection tool is not working as I would like because the selection path can only be edited as it is being made.

What to do?
Registered Member
Select -> Convert Shapes to Vector Selection

After you've done this, you can further do Select -> Edit Selection and the Global Selection Mask will appear and you can use the Edit Shapes tool and the Transform tool on the selection, as a vector object.

If you already have a raster selection, by whatever method, you can Select -> Convert to Vector Selection and then edit it using the vector editing tools.
Registered Member
ahabgreybeard wrote:Select -> Convert Shapes to Vector Selection

After you've done this, you can further do Select -> Edit Selection and the Global Selection Mask will appear and you can use the Edit Shapes tool and the Transform tool on the selection, as a vector object.

If you already have a raster selection, by whatever method, you can Select -> Convert to Vector Selection and then edit it using the vector editing tools.

It worked!! Thanks.

Now I have new question. What's the difference between a raster selection and a vector selection? I think they should basically work the same way as a selection
Registered Member
When you make a selection, it can be either a raster selection or a vector selection. The control for this can be seen in the Tool Options docker.
A selection is actually a form of mask as can be seen if you do Select -> Show Global Selection Mask. You can perfom image operations on this mask.

With a raster selection, the mask is a raster image that can have variable opacity and so is best suited for detailed manipulation (if desired) with painting types of tools. The 'marching ants' display of a raster selection can only be an approximate representation if there is variable opacity within the selection.

A vector selection is effectively a vector object and so can be manipulated with the vector editing tools.

The best way to learn about this is to play with them and see how they behave when you do stuff to them.

Note: Converting any irregular raster shape to a vector object will give you a freehand path with a very large number of nodes. This gives a very slow response when you try to edit the nodes.


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