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Wacom intuos Pro tilt issue

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Wacom intuos Pro tilt issue

Thu Mar 05, 2020 12:16 am
Hi guys!

I've recently bought myself a Wacom Intuos Pro Medium tablet. Along with the drawing tablet come a pen with tilt function. Alaasss, I can't make it work in Krita; I've tried with a custom made brush whose opacity is dependent of tilt elevation and the default pencil-5_tilted, but neither showed me any difference in tilt direction (in which direction the pen is tilted) or elevation (how "close to the floor" the pen is). Here's my setup :

Tablet : Wacom Intuos Pro Medium (Pen with the package which is the Pen 2 pro I think).
OS : Windows 10
Tablet driver version : 6.3.38-2
Krita Tablet Input API : Tried with WinTab and Windows Ink, but I used Wintab with my old tablet before, which didn't include pen tilting.
Krita version : 4.8.2 (problem appeared also on 4.2.2. I tried to update to fix the issue)

Here's what I get from a small stroke from left to right and top to bottom on the tablet tester (WinTab Input API). Tilt angle was around 45° from horizontal, I guess?
Code: Select all
Pen tip brought near
Stylus press X=34.44 Y=33.32 B=1 P=17.2%
Mouse press X=34 Y=33 B=1
Stylus move X=34.44 Y=33.32 B=1 P=20.7% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=34.44 Y=33.32 B=1 P=23.9% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=34.44 Y=33.32 B=1 P=24.7% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=34.44 Y=33.32 B=1 P=24.7% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=34.44 Y=33.32 B=1 P=25.4% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=38.89 Y=35.80 B=1 P=26.8% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=38 Y=35 B=1
Stylus move X=40.67 Y=37.16 B=1 P=28.5% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=40 Y=37 B=1
Stylus move X=43.19 Y=38.92 B=1 P=29.8% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=43 Y=38 B=1
Stylus move X=46.15 Y=41.24 B=1 P=31.0% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=49.85 Y=44.04 B=1 P=31.7% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=54.00 Y=47.16 B=1 P=32.4% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=46 Y=41 B=1
Mouse move X=54 Y=47 B=1
Stylus move X=58.59 Y=50.44 B=1 P=32.9% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=63.33 Y=53.96 B=1 P=33.5% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=63 Y=54 B=1
Stylus move X=68.22 Y=57.64 B=1 P=33.7% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=68 Y=57 B=1
Stylus move X=72.81 Y=61.24 B=1 P=33.7% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=72 Y=61 B=1
Stylus move X=77.11 Y=64.84 B=1 P=33.5% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=80.81 Y=68.12 B=1 P=32.5% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=80 Y=68 B=1
Stylus move X=83.48 Y=70.52 B=1 P=27.9% (DRAW)
Stylus move X=86.15 Y=72.36 B=1 P=11.3% (DRAW)
Mouse move X=86 Y=72 B=1
Stylus release X=86.15 Y=72.36 B=0 P=0.0%
Mouse release
Pen tip taken away

Looking at the Wacom desktop center analysis gives me positive/negative tilt values. It gives me a pair of integers X and Y, ranging from approx -60 to 60(°?), with a vertical pen being 0, the end going left/"towards the computer" being -60 and right/"towards the drawer" being 60. I also tried a custom tilting brush in Affinity Designer and it does work there.

So it isn't tied to the driver nor the hardware, right? Right? Am I missing something in my setup? How can I make it work :'( ;D ? Thanks for your answers!
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Re: Wacom intuos Pro tilt issue

Wed Mar 11, 2020 9:55 pm
Hmmm... Been some time without any answer ;D . I guess it's a bug then? Do I need to post a bug report, and if so where and how? I can always givey some time to make detailed tests if needed! That's the least (and the most X_x) I can do.
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Re: Wacom intuos Pro tilt issue  Topic is solved

Wed Mar 11, 2020 11:24 pm
That's odd, I never had a problem with Krita recognizing tilt on my Intuos Pro. it's been a while since I last used it on Windows, but I haven't seen any of the devs that use Wacom devices mentioning something like that either. Just to clarify, you realize those X and Y values from Krita's tablet tester are position coordinates, not tilt, right?
An easy way to see it on a brush is to activate the Rotation option with Tilt direction (and the default linear curve), just like the Pencil-5 Tilted preset, then the brush outline should rotate in sync with the direction of your pen.

If it doesn't work at all, I'm not sure what to suggest. After switching between WinTab and Windows Ink make sure to restart Krita for it to take effect. Try resetting the Krita config, move your existing kritarc file somewhere to use as a backup: ... figuration
Else try resetting your Wacom driver, I think it can save some application specific configs. That has solved some problems for other Krita users in the past. ... ng-windows
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Re: Wacom intuos Pro tilt issue

Thu Mar 12, 2020 12:39 pm
Uh, on my diagnosis tool, there are tilt coordinates along with X and Y coordinates (in mm). If I'm not wrong, it works like controlers's joysticks, where each coordinate indicates where it's tilted towards in cartesian coordinates. Here's a picture of my diagnosis window, and two .gifs to show what I obtain on Krita and Affinity designer (The only other drawing software I have, excluding Paint of course ;D) :

I haven't reset the driver nor Krita, so I'll do that right away. I'll try again just after the reset and retry after "re-setting up" everything like I had. With full computer restart of course.
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Re: Wacom intuos Pro tilt issue

Thu Mar 12, 2020 2:05 pm
I managed to makey it work ^-^. Here are the steps I went through:

1- Before : Not OK
2- Reset Krita config (the arc thing + displaything files) + driver : OK
3- Loaded back driver config from save file : Not OK :'(
4- Reset driver + setting up driver manually (screen matching/invert for lefties, penny sensibility and keybinds) : OK
5- Reload Krita config from save files (everything is back to before, excepted I set up manually the driver) : OK }i{

I made between each step a full computy restart. Well, I may not have needed that when changing Krita's config, but testing need to follow procedures thoroughly and limit variances (or variables, I don't know), isn't it?

I'm relatively sure the first thing I did before setting up driver's details was to check tilting functionality. Therefore, it most probably means my initial driver setup went wrong from the start. Maybe it didn't like when I switched from the Bamboo tablet to the pro one? Wait, I'm straying myself again to mysterious mysteries.

Anyhow, thanks for the help Snudl-y, now I just need to prepare some new neat brushes to take full advantage of this feature. And getting used to the small cone that's appearing when I'm drawing, too ^-^ .

Edit: forgotten one word
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Re: Wacom intuos Pro tilt issue

Fri Mar 13, 2020 11:27 am
Glad to hear (or rather read)! And thanks for posting your solution. :)


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