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Can't draw on some spots on my canvas (Wacom)

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Hi there,
I'm running Krita 4.2.5 on my Windows 10 and my little Wacom Intuos CTH-480 with Driver Version 6.3.38-2.

My Problem is that after some time i cant draw on certain spots on my canvas.
I can get inside the spot if i move from the toolbar on the left to it, but inside it draws without pressure sensitivity.

Here's a picture of the spot, (see the unseeable!) I tried to draw around it.

I dont know why it happens, my PC should have the capabilities of handling Krita and my RAM isn't anywhere full.
Has anyone an Idea? And yeah, sry for using Windows, what a disgrace!

But thanks for your time
Registered Member
I think the majority of krita users are also Windows users just because it's the major operating system in use.
It would be a good idea to install version 4.2.8 which is the latest formal release (soon to be replaced by 4.2.9).

If you draw/paint a closely spaced zigzag line left to right, moving down the canvas, at a low pressure, you may get a better idea of this 'dead zone'.
Is the dead zone a place on your tablet or is it a place on the canvas?
If you zoom in on the canvas, does the dead zone stay at the same place on the monitor or the same place on the canvas?

When it happens, do you get the same effect if you make a new canvas of the same size?

Can you get rid of the effect by restarting krita?

In your Wacom control/setup utility, have you made a separate profile for krita? This is easy to do and has been known to fix various problems with Wacom tablets, assuming it is a tablet problem.
Registered Member
Hi there Greybeard,

I thank thee alot!
Updating Krita solved the problem. I should subscribe to the newsletter for update notifications.

Thank you very much :)


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