First, sorry if I have bad English, I'm french and therefore not an English native speaker. Plus I hope I'm in the right place to ask questions.
So, I'm starting digital drawing with Krita since it looks like it is an excellent free software to practice digital drawing. I was drawing some simple shapes with a basic pen. Now, I want to shade them. The problem is that Krita doesn't detect the pen pressure. I can only paint in full pressure.
I am using: Windows 10 / Gaomon Tablet M106K / Krita 4.2.8
In the Gaomon Tablet software, I can test the pen pressure and it works perfectly in the software. There is a bar that is partially filled if I caress the tablet, and the bar is filled when I press on the tablet, and the bar is indeed empty when nothing happens. (I'm sorry, I don't know how to record my screen so I can't show you).
I tried : - Go to Settings => Configure Krita => Tablet Settings. Check "Wintab" or "Windows 8 + Pointer Input (Windows Ink)" doesn't change anything. - I succeded to add a Pen Pressure button. I noticed something. When this is unchecked (as seen in my screenshot), I can't paint, my pen can't leave stroke on the screen (my mouse still can). But when I check it, I can draw at full pressure on Krita. - I checked the "Enable Pen Settings" and "Pressure" in the brush settings.
I have a friend who uses the same graphic tablet, Gaomon M106K, with Krita too, and he has the pen pressure sensibility, so I don't know how I can fix this problem.
I hope you understood my problem and I'm looking forward to an answer that will be able to solve it.
After swapping between Wintab or Windows 8 + Pointer Input (Windows Ink), did you restart krita? It may be that your Windows 10 installation has Windows Ink disabled for some reason so you could look at the Windows system level tools to see if you can change that in any way. You could also try reinstalling the tablet drivers or downloading and installing the latest drivers from the Gaomon website.
You can't investigate this or try to make adjustments until you're sure that krita is receiving pressure signals from your pen.
Go to Settings -> Configure Krita -> Tablet Settings and press the Open Tablet Tester button. This will open the tablet tester window, You will need to move it and resize it to make it usefully large. Draw on the grid half (on the left) with your mouse and you should get a blue line with a record (on the right half) of the mouse movements, X=.... Y=.... B=1.
Then draw on the grid with your pen and you should get a red line with a record of X=.... Y=..... B=1 P=ab.c% (DRAW) The ab.c% value represents the pen pressure that is being sent to krita by your tablet. Unless this is correct and you can vary it by pressing harder or softer on your pen then krita is not getting correct pressure signals from your tablet.
I solved the problem by myself. Actually, there was no problem.
When I said: "When this is unchecked (as seen in my screenshot), I can't paint, my pen can't leave stroke on the screen". I was just pressing too gently, and I was drawing on white paper... so I couldn't see a stroke on my screen because there wasn't too much pressure. So the pressure has been working well since the beginning, I was just "stupid" ^^. However, I didn't know about that "Tablet Tester", it's a good way to see if everything works! To conclude, if someone faces the same problem, I think your answer can be useful so I hope it will help someone else.
If I have other questions, I will happily ask them in this forum!
Thanks again!
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