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Kritan hangs on splash screen

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Registered Member

Kritan hangs on splash screen

Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:16 pm
Hello guys!

I have a hard time starting the krita.

I am running krita on Arch Linux system.

Here the output I am having from console:

$ krita

(process:3102): Gtk-WARNING **: 20:06:39.124: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
Invalid profile : "/usr/share/color/icc/colord/Crayons.icc" "Crayon Colors"
Invalid profile : "/usr/share/color/icc/colord/x11-colors.icc" "X11 Colors"
qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC input color space 47524159
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: failed general sanity check
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC input color space 47524159
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: failed general sanity check
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC input color space 47524159
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: failed general sanity check
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC input color space 47524159
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: failed general sanity check
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
qt.gui.icc: Unsupported ICC input color space 47524159
qt.gui.icc: fromIccProfile: failed general sanity check
QPngHandler: Failed to parse ICC profile
QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'sip'
/usr/lib/krita-python-libs/krita added to PYTHONPATH
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if index.column() is 0:
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if r is 0:
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if config["readingDirection"] is "leftToRight":
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if method is 0:
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if method is 1:
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if method is 2:
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if method is 3:
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/exporters/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if str(authorDict["role"]).lower() is "cover artist":
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/exporters/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
elif str(authorDict["role"]).lower() is "assistant editor":
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/exporters/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if configDictionary["readingDirection"] is "rightToLeft":
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/exporters/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if str(authorDict["role"]).lower() is "cover artist":
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/exporters/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
elif str(authorDict["role"]).lower() is "assistant editor":
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/exporters/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if configDictionary["readingDirection"] is "rightToLeft":
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/exporters/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if configDictionary["readingDirection"] is "rightToLeft":
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/exporters/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if configDictionary["readingDirection"] is "rightToLeft":
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if method is 0:
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if method is 1:
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if method is 2:
/usr/share/krita/pykrita/comics_project_management_tools/ SyntaxWarning: "is" with a literal. Did you mean "=="?
if method is 3:

If I need to provide you any required information, please let met know.
Thanks in advance :)
Registered Member

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen

Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:17 pm
$ pip freeze | grep sip
Registered Member

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen

Thu Mar 19, 2020 6:49 pm
Did you install from your distribution repository?
If so, can you try the 4.2.8 appimage instead, from here:
(Version 4.2.9 will be released soon.)
Registered Member

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen

Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:31 am
I installed it through pacman -Sy krita
Registered Member

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen

Fri Mar 20, 2020 8:57 am
I tried appimage and it hangs on splash window as well.

Probably something wrong with my system.

Here the consol output:

$ ./krita-4.2.8-x86_64.appimage
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_order_raise"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_align_horizontal_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_ungroup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_order_back"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_order_front"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_align_vertical_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_group"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_align_horizontal_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_align_vertical_top"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_align_horizontal_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_order_lower"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_align_vertical_bottom"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_distribute_horizontal_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_distribute_horizontal_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_distribute_horizontal_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_distribute_horizontal_gaps"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_distribute_vertical_top"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_distribute_vertical_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_distribute_vertical_bottom"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_distribute_vertical_gaps"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_transform_rotate_90_cw"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_transform_rotate_90_ccw"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_transform_rotate_180"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_transform_mirror_horizontally"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_transform_mirror_vertically"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_transform_reset"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_unite"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_intersect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_subtract"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "object_split"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "calligraphy_increase_width"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "calligraphy_increase_angle"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "calligraphy_decrease_width"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "calligraphy_decrease_angle"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "movetool-move-up"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "movetool-move-down"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "movetool-show-coordinates"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "movetool-move-left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "movetool-move-right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "movetool-move-up-more"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "movetool-move-down-more"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "movetool-move-left-more"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "movetool-move-right-more"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert-to-path"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathpoint-remove"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "path-break-segment"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathsegment-line"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "path-break-point"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathpoint-line"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathpoint-symmetric"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathpoint-curve"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathsegment-curve"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathpoint-insert"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathpoint-corner"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathpoint-merge"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathpoint-join"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "pathpoint-smooth"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "SvgTextTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_format_textcolor"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_background_color"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_font_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_font"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_insert_special_character"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_align_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_align_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_align_justified"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_align_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_decrease_font_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_increase_font_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_format_subscript"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_format_superscript"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_format_underline"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_format_strike_through"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_weight_bold"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_format_italic"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_weight_normal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_weight_demi"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_weight_black"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_weight_light"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_line_height"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "svg_settings"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "hello_python"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "open_resources_directory"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "edit_blacklist_cleanup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "windows_cascade"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "windows_tile"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "create_bundle"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mainToolBar"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_color_selector"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_mypaint_shade_selector"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_minimal_shade_selector"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_color_history"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_common_colors"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_tool_options"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_brush_editor"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_brush_presets"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "tablet_debugger"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "buginfo"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rename_composition"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "update_composition"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "ruler_pixel_multiple2"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "invert_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "make_brush_color_lighter"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "make_brush_color_darker"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "make_brush_color_saturated"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "make_brush_color_desaturated"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "shift_brush_color_clockwise"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "shift_brush_color_counter_clockwise"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "make_brush_color_redder"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "make_brush_color_greener"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "make_brush_color_bluer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "make_brush_color_yellower"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "increase_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "decrease_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "erase_action"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "reload_preset_action"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "preserve_alpha"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "disable_pressure"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "hmirror_action"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "vmirror_action"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorX-hideDecorations"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorY-hideDecorations"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorX-lock"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorY-lock"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorX-moveToCenter"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorY-moveToCenter"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle-selection-overlay-mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "next_favorite_preset"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "previous_favorite_preset"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "previous_preset"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "BrushesAndStuff"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "reset_fg_bg"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle_fg_bg"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "selection_tool_mode_add"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "selection_tool_mode_subtract"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "selection_tool_mode_intersect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "selection_tool_mode_replace"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "set_weighted_brush_smoothing"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "set_no_brush_smoothing"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "set_stabilizer_brush_smoothing"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "decrease_brush_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "set_simple_brush_smoothing"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "increase_brush_size"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle_assistant"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "undo_polygon_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "fill_selection_foreground_color_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "fill_selection_background_color_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "fill_selection_pattern_opacity"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_selection_to_shape"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show-global-selection-mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_colortoalpha"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_top edge detections"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_indexcolors"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_emboss horizontal only"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_dodge"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_sharpen"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_burn"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_mean removal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_gaussian blur"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_emboss all directions"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_smalltiles"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_levels"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_sobel"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_wave"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_motion blur"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_invert"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_perchannel"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_pixelize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_emboss laplascian"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_left edge detections"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_blur"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_raindrops"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_bottom edge detections"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_noise"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_brightnesscontrast"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_colorbalance"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_phongbumpmap"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_desaturate"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_colortransfer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_emboss vertical only"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_lens blur"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_minimize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_maximize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_oilpaint"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_right edge detections"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_autocontrast"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_roundcorners"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_unsharp"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_emboss"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_emboss horizontal and vertical"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_randompick"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_gaussiannoisereducer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_posterize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_waveletnoisereducer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_hsvadjustment"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaShape/KisToolDyna"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolCrop"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolPolygon"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaShape/KisToolRectangle"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaShape/KisToolMultiBrush"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaShape/KisToolLazyBrush"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaShape/KisToolSmartPatch"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "PanTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "InteractionTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaSelected/KisToolColorPicker"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolSelectOutline"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolSelectPath"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolSelectSimilar"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaFill/KisToolFill"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaShape/KisToolLine"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolPencil"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolPath"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaShape/KisToolEllipse"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaShape/KisToolBrush"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "CreateShapesTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolSelectElliptical"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolSelectContiguous"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KarbonPatternTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "ReviewTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaFill/KisToolGradient"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolSelectPolygonal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaShape/KisToolMeasure"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolSelectRectangular"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KritaTransform/KisToolMove"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "VectorTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KarbonCalligraphyTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "PathTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "ZoomTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolPolyline"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisToolTransform"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KisAssistantTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "KarbonGradientTool"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "ToolReferenceImages"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Normal Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Dissolve Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Behind Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Clear Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Darken Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Multiply Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Color Burn Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Linear Burn Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Lighten Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Screen Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Color Dodge Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Linear Dodge Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Overlay Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Hard Overlay Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Soft Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Hard Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Vivid Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Linear Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Pin Light Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Hard Mix Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Difference Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Exclusion Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Hue Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Saturation Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Color Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "Select Luminosity Blending Mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "previous_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "next_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle_playback"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_blank_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_duplicate_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle_onion_skin"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "previous_keyframe"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "next_keyframe"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "first_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "last_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "lazy_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "drop_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_in_timeline"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_keyframe_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_keyframe_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_multiple_keyframes"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "remove_frames_and_pull"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "remove_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_column_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_column_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_multiple_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "remove_columns_and_pull"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "remove_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_hold_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_multiple_hold_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "remove_hold_frame"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "remove_multiple_hold_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_hold_column"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "insert_multiple_hold_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "remove_hold_column"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "remove_multiple_hold_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirror_frames"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirror_columns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "copy_frames_to_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "cut_frames_to_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "paste_frames_from_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "copy_columns_to_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "cut_columns_to_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "paste_columns_from_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "set_start_time"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "set_end_time"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "update_playback_range"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activateNextLayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activatePreviousLayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "switchToPreviouslyActiveNode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_group_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_clone_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_shape_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_adjustment_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_fill_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_file_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_transparency_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_filter_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_colorize_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_transform_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_selection_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "isolate_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle_layer_lock"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle_layer_visibility"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle_layer_alpha_lock"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle_layer_inherit_alpha"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "add_new_paint_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "new_from_visible"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "duplicatelayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "cut_selection_to_new_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "copy_selection_to_new_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "copy_layer_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "cut_layer_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "paste_layer_from_clipboard"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "create_quick_group"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "quick_ungroup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "create_quick_clipping_group"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "select_all_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "select_visible_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "select_locked_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "select_invisible_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "select_unlocked_layers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "save_node_as_image"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "save_vector_node_to_svg"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "save_groups_as_images"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_group_to_animated"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_to_animated"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_to_file_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "import_layer_from_file"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "import_layer_as_paint_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "import_layer_as_transparency_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "import_layer_as_filter_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "import_layer_as_selection_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_to_paint_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_to_transparency_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_to_filter_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_to_selection_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "split_alpha_into_mask"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "split_alpha_write"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "split_alpha_save_merged"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "layersplit"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "waveletdecompose"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorNodeX"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorNodeY"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotatelayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateLayerCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateLayerCCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateLayer180"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "layersize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "shearlayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorAllNodesX"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorAllNodesY"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateAllLayers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateAllLayersCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateAllLayersCCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateAllLayers180"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "scaleAllLayers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "shearAllLayers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "offsetlayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "clones_array"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "EditLayerMetaData"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "histogram"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "layercolorspaceconversion"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "merge_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "flatten_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rasterize_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "flatten_image"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "layer_style"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "LayerGroupSwitcher/previous"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "LayerGroupSwitcher/next"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "RenameCurrentLayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "remove_layer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "move_layer_up"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "move_layer_down"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "layer_properties"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "set-copy-from"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_new"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_open"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_open_recent"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_save"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_save_as"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_sessions"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_import_file"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_export_file"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_import_animation"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "render_animation"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "render_animation_again"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "save_incremental_version"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "save_incremental_backup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "create_template"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "create_copy"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_print"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_print_preview"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_documentinfo"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_close_all"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_close"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "file_quit"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "edit_undo"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "edit_redo"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "edit_cut"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "edit_copy"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "copy_sharp"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "cut_sharp"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "copy_merged"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "edit_paste"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "paste_at"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "paste_new"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "paste_as_reference"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "clear"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "fill_selection_foreground_color"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "fill_selection_background_color"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "fill_selection_pattern"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "stroke_shapes"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "stroke_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "delete_keyframe"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_newwindow"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "windows_next"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "windows_previous"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_show_canvas_only"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "fullscreen"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "wrap_around_mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "level_of_detail_mode"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "softProof"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "gamutCheck"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirror_canvas"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "zoom_to_100pct"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_zoom_in"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_zoom_out"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotate_canvas_right"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotate_canvas_left"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "reset_canvas_rotation"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_ruler"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rulers_track_mouse"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_show_guides"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_lock_guides"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_to_guides"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "showStatusBar"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_pixel_grid"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_grid"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_to_grid"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "show_snap_options_popup"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_orthogonal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_node"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_extension"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_to_pixel"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_intersection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_bounding_box"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_image_bounds"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_snap_image_center"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_toggle_painting_assistants"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_toggle_assistant_previews"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_toggle_reference_images"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "image_properties"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "image_color"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "imagecolorspaceconversion"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "trim_to_image"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "resizeimagetolayer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "resizeimagetoselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateimage"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateImageCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateImageCCW90"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "rotateImage180"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "shearimage"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorImageHorizontal"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirrorImageVertical"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "imagesize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "offsetimage"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "canvassize"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "imagesplit"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "separate"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "select_all"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "deselect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "reselect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_to_vector_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_to_raster_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "edit_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "convert_shapes_to_vector_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "featherselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "toggle_display_selection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "selectionscale"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "colorrange"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "selectopaque"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "selectopaque_add"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "selectopaque_subtract"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "selectopaque_intersect"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "growselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "shrinkselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "borderselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "smoothselection"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "filter_apply_again"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "adjust_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "artistic_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "blur_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "color_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "edge_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "enhance_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "emboss_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "map_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "other_filters"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "QMic"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "QMicAgain"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "options_configure"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "manage_bundles"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "switch_application_language"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "view_toggledockers"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "options_configure_toolbars"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "settings_dockers_menu"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "theme_menu"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "settings_active_author"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "options_configure_keybinding"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "window"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "help_contents"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "help_report_bug"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "help_about_app"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "help_about_kde"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "gradients"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "patterns"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "dual"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "paintops"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "composite_actions"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "brushslider1"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "brushslider2"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "brushslider3"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "mirror_actions"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "select_layout"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "workspaces"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "plugin_importer"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_1"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_2"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_3"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_4"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_5"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_6"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_7"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_8"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_9"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "activate_preset_0"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_1"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_2"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_3"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_4"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_5"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_6"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_7"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_8"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_9"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "execute_script_10"
NOT COOL: Duplicated action name from xml data: "krita_filter_threshold"
QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
/tmp/.mount_krita-LpkWb6/usr/lib/krita-python-libs/krita added to PYTHONPATH
User avatar
KDE Developer

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen

Fri Mar 20, 2020 9:29 am
Looks like something is wrong, yes. Please try to remove all traces of the distribution version of Krita; all config and settings or create a test user and run the appimage as the test user.
Registered Member

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen  Topic is solved

Fri Mar 20, 2020 10:42 am
boudewijn wrote:Looks like something is wrong, yes. Please try to remove all traces of the distribution version of Krita; all config and settings or create a test user and run the appimage as the test user.

Can you point out the places where the traces could be?
User avatar
KDE Developer

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen

Fri Mar 20, 2020 11:22 am
The config is .krita/config*, resources .local/share/krita. As for where your distribution puts files, that I don't know.
Registered Member

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen

Fri Mar 20, 2020 12:21 pm
On my Debian 10 system, the 4.1.7 version from the repository stores its default/standard resources in /usr/share/krita and all sorts of other things are in various places as indicated by my package manager when I look at Properties -> Installed Files for the repository entries.

The appimage and the installed version share user resources in ~/.local/share/krita and they share the main configuration file, which is ~/.config/kritarc

I can run the 4.1.7 installed version simultaneously with the latest appimage and they coexist peacefully so something is not right with your system.
Registered Member

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen

Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:23 am
I created a new user and run krita from there.

It ran both from the repo and from appimage.

I can assume that the problem is in files inside my home directory. Digging.
Registered Member

Re: Kritan hangs on splash screen

Sat Mar 21, 2020 10:30 am
I run:
Code: Select all
find -name "*krita*"

from home directory

Here the output:
Code: Select all

I removed all of these entries and logged out and logged in.

The krita starts now!
Thank you for the help!

P.S. Is there way to mark this thread as solved?


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