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Pops up too often

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Pops up too often

Sun Mar 29, 2020 10:34 pm
I'm a new user just trying to get the feel of KRITA. I use Ps at work and I switched to Krita from GIMP for my home PC. I love the idea of the Pop-up palette, but I have a problem with it.
I've looked in the settings to see if there's a sensitivity setting for the palette, but haven't found one.
From what I've seen so far in this thread, it seems that the palette is only supposed to pop-up when you right-click the canvas. Mine pops up while I'm drawing, whenever the stylus settles in one place for more than a second or two, which is distracting and counter-productive.
I'm using an XP-PEn Deco-01 tablet and the stylus. Perhaps the tablet isn't setup yet. I've checked the list of supported tablets and, although XP-PEN has several listed, the Deco-01 is not.
Is there some way to change this setting so that the palette doesn't read steady pressure as a mouse right-click?
Registered Member

Re: Pops up too often  Topic is solved

Mon Mar 30, 2020 6:20 am
Steady pressure/position on the pen is not interpreted as a right-click by krita. If it was then many people would be reporting this problem. Sadly, the XP-pen is the cause of lots of problem reports, as you can find by using the Search box with 'XP' or 'Deco' in the krita forums.

Is it possible that you're holding the pen in such a way that your finger is accidentally pressing the right click button when you stop moving the pen?
Is any part of your hand touching the tablet?
Can you try it with those points in mind to see if that helps?

In the tablet driver setup/config utility, have you disabled touch sensitivity and 'gestures' and similar things?

Have you tried switching between Windows Ink and Windows8+pointer? Have you tried enabling/disabling Windows Ink at the OS level if you're using Windows8+pointer?

Have you tried reinstalling the drivers that came with the pen or downloading the latest drivers for it and installing them (after a computer restart)?

This section of the manual may help: ... blets.html
Registered Member

Re: Pops up too often

Mon Mar 30, 2020 12:39 pm
Thank you for the prompt response.
I may be accidentally pressing the right-click button. Hadn't thought of that.
I tried downloading a new driver from XP-Pen's website, but I it was the wrong one. I went through this with them in October 2018 when I bought the tablet. The link on the Deco-01 page is for a different tablet.
I unchecked the mouse right-cick option in the Krita tablet setup window.
Now unfortunately, I can't use the tablet in Krita at all. It no longer registers the device and I'm back to mouse only, which stinks.

I'll try to reset that and restore basic function, make sure I'm not accidentally pressing one of the buttons on the side, and check out the Deco-01 thread.
Thanks again ahabgreybeard. :-)
Registered Member

Re: Pops up too often

Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:58 am
I got the driver reinstalled. I was indeed inadvertently pressing the lower button, which defaults to right-click. I reprogrammed it and the problem is solved. Thanks again.
Back to the tutorials. :)


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