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Brushes draw even while hovering

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Brushes draw even while hovering

Fri Apr 03, 2020 5:36 pm
I have a Lenovo X1 Extreme Laptop, hooked up to a secondary monitor, so I have two screens. I am also using the Huion Inspiroy H950P. There have been no issues lately until I started using my mouse to check on tabs in Google chrome on the same monitor and in second one as well. When I click back to Krita, the Ink-1_Precision brush doesn't work anymore. I tried using other brushes, some still worked, but others don't. After going back to the Precision brush, it starts working again, other times it works again after clicking with the mouse once. However, now the brush continues drawing even while my pen is hovering. I've tested the tablet on the Huion software, as well as the tablet tester on Krita. Everything for the tablet is working fine. The only thing that seems to fix this is unplugging and reconnecting the tablet to my laptop.

Last edited by kroticfate on Fri Apr 03, 2020 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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KDE Developer
Nah, it's just a bug in Windows or the tablet driver. They happen. Probably, next update fixes, and the update after that breaks it again.


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