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Gmic filters and Batch processing of images?

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Hi folks,

I would like to apply some smoothing gmic filters on many image sequences..which is mostly png animation frames.
I found a good setting for a filter(smooth anisotrophy) which I simply can not get with fusion or any of the I am trying to resort to simply image process them one by one.

But how can I batch process them so the individual files are loaded and applied as a filter, then load the next and apply filter then next etc?
Isn´t there Script or addon for batch processing them like that?
Or do I have to load them as animation frames and try that way?
It´s not necessary to load or treat all animation frames, but at least a few of them in groups anyway.

Krita version 4.0.0 on windows 10.
Registered Member
Krita doesn't have batch processing (as far as I can see) and you can't apply a Gmic filter to an animated layer, only to a single frame of an animated layer (unless I missed out on how it may be done).

For applying a Gmic filter to a sequence of image files, I'm sure that someone has made a utility to do that because it sounds useful but it's not something I've ever looked for. I think Gmic itself may be able to do that if you drive it from the command line in the right way.

Driving Gmic from the command line is not particularly difficult but it is quite fiddly (in my very limited experience). If you have a specific filter that you have, then you may be able to write a batch file or a bash script to run it over a file sequence, or try to find someone else who's already done it.


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