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Add a Color Changes RGB Values when Saving (MacOS)

Tags: krita, color, palette krita, color, palette krita, color, palette
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When I add a color to my color palette, I am having some issues trying to specify the RGB values for a color.

For example, if I try to specify the RGB value of 45/26/12, then click OK. I can see the color swatch change from the value I entered to a different color. When I open it back up, the RGB value is 42/16/6.

It happens only for some colors. Some colors work fine. The change in RGB value appears to be pretty consistent (if I put 45/26/12, then it always results in 42/16/6) but if I enter a different RGB, then it may change much differently (like 142/23/33 becomes 142/14/24). Some of the RGB values change by 0 or 1, but others are nearly cut in half in some cases.

I did some digging to view the palette itself. I renamed the .kpl file to .zip and opened it with vim to see its contents. Here is an example (from my `` of one of the colors I'm having issues with:

Code: Select all
 <ColorSetEntry spot="true" name="Brown" id="17" bitdepth="U16">
  <RGB r="0.0262455176562071" space="sRGB-elle-V2-g10.icc" b="0.00366216525435448" g="0.0103150987997651"/>
  <Position row="0" column="8"/>

I can't find any other cases of this issue happening, so I have no idea where to begin. Any suggestions on how to debug this behavior?

For reference, I have this same issue in Krita 4.2 and 4.3.0-beta1 and I am using MacOS 10.13.6 (High Sierra).


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