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Why is my Krita animation fading?

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Why is my Krita animation fading?

Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:38 pm
Recently I've been trying to experiment with animation, so I've began using the software Krita. However, every time I animate a basic sequence I've noticed that the image is slowly fading away with each frame. I've restarted the sequence lots of times now, and tried using different brushes and checked the opacity but each time it keeps fading.
I'm really not sure what this problem could be? If anyone is familiar with Krita I would really appreciate the help.
Here's a link of my animation so you can see how it is fading:
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Re: Why is my Krita animation fading?

Wed Aug 12, 2020 12:54 pm
My best guess is that you've used the transform tool to rotate the frame slightly each time. However, information gets lost when transforming, so in effect your image is getting blurrier on each subsequent frame you do that on. To work around this, copy the original frame each time and do the rotation on that. In the future, we hope to see animations working with transform masks, so stuff like this could be automated.
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TheraHedwig wrote:My best guess is that you've used the transform tool to rotate the frame slightly each time. However, information gets lost when transforming, so in effect your image is getting blurrier on each subsequent frame you do that on. To work around this, copy the original frame each time and do the rotation on that. In the future, we hope to see animations working with transform masks, so stuff like this could be automated.

Ohh okay, yes I have been using the transform tool! When making a new frame I have been pressing the Duplicate Frame button. I will try copying the first frame and using onion skins to work around this. Thank you so much for that, have been stuck on this for a while!


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