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Krita usually crashes after I click on/mess with the frames.

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For some reason, after clicking on the frames i want to be on, A couple of seconds later Krita crashes. I how should I deal with this?
(info - OS:Linux, Krita v4.3.0, terminal stuff that spat out:
INFO: requested old version of AlphaDarken composite op. Switching...
INFO: requested old version of AlphaDarken composite op. Switching...
INFO: requested old version of AlphaDarken composite op. Switching...
INFO: requested old version of AlphaDarken composite op. Switching...
QObject::startTimer: Timers cannot have negative intervals
INFO: requested old version of AlphaDarken composite op. Switching...
INFO: requested old version of AlphaDarken composite op. Switching...
Could not find platform independent libraries <prefix>
Could not find platform dependent libraries <exec_prefix>
Consider setting $PYTHONHOME to <prefix>[:<exec_prefix>]
/tmp/.mount_krita-KHlnqI/usr/lib/krita-python-libs/krita added to PYTHONPATH
QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout
Could not set current file 0 "Thumbnails/thumbnail.png"
INFO: requested old version of AlphaDarken composite op. Switching...
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 3
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 3
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
QPainter::begin: Paint device returned engine == 0, type: 3
QPainter::setCompositionMode: Painter not active
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Registered Member
Which Linux distribution are you using?
Are you running the appimage or an installation from a repository?
Can you try this with the 4.3.0 appimage if it's not already the appimage?

The line, "QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout", is usually the final output after normal startup and then waiting for user actions.
The INFO lines are not something I've seen before.

Did you try to open a file called thumbnail.png?
What exactly did you do and what happened after that?
Do you have problems with animation in a new image?
Registered Member
Sorry for the long response, I had school & procrastination weighing heavily on me.
Q & A
Which Linux distribution are you using?
Ans: I did the commands: dmesg | head -1, it spat out:
[ 0.000000] Linux version 5.4.40-04224-g891a6cce2d44 (chrome-bot@chromeos-
ci-pre-try-us-east1-d-x32-2-ukvn) (Chromium OS 11.0_pre387436_p20200403-r4 cl
ang version 11.0.0 (/var/cache/chromeos-cache/distfiles/host/egit-src/llvm-pr
oject c47f971694be0159ffddfee8a75ae515eba91439)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 23 20
:21:29 PDT 2020
I did the command, cat /proc/version, it spat out:
Linux version 5.4.40-04224-g891a6cce2d44 (chrome-bot@chromeos-ci-pre-try-us-e
ast1-d-x32-2-ukvn) (Chromium OS 11.0_pre387436_p20200403-r4 clang version 11.
0.0 (/var/cache/chromeos-cache/distfiles/host/egit-src/llvm-project c47f97169
4be0159ffddfee8a75ae515eba91439)) #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 23 20:21:29 PDT 2020
Are you running the appimage or an installation from a repository? & Can you try this with the 4.3.0 appimage if it's not already the appimage?
Ans: I've researched what you were trying to say & I still have no idea If I'm running the file from repository & if I know how to do it at all. How I get the file to run is I install, put it in the Linux files section in OS, make it executable by typing chmod [filename] 744 (or 764, my memory can get foggy), & finally at any time I can just do this command, ./filename at any time to run the file. If you know how this process works then maybe this helps?
Did you try to open a file called thumbnail.png? & What exactly did you do and what happened after that?
Ans: I presume you're saying something png image related, I just double-clicked to load the file, when I clicked on a frame from another, the progress from the frame that I got off disappears after awhile & then Krita crashes. I looked up the file info for the file I'm working on & it said the name was: Anim-Jp-EN, I hope it helps!
Do you have problems with animation in a new image?
Ans: I had no problems on the frames, but the crashing really screws my progress despite saving every minute or so.
Registered Member
Are you using a Chromebook or have you got Chrome OS running on a PC/laptop?

alra wrote: How I get the file to run is I install, put it in the Linux files section in OS, make it executable by typing chmod [filename] 744 (or 764, my memory can get foggy), & finally at any time I can just do this command, ./filename at any time to run the file.

What file? What is it called? Where did you get it from?
Is this your computer?

If this is a Chromebook or Chrome OS in some way, you'll need to wait for someone who knows the details of Chromebooks and/or Chrome OS.
Registered Member
What file? What is it called?
Ans: The filename of the file I use to run Krita is krita-4.3.0-x86_64.appimage.
Where did you get it from?
Ans: I got it from the Krita download button for appimages from here:
Is this your computer?
Ans: My mum bought me this Samsung Chromebook for me a year or 2 ago & I've been using it ever since. (TL;DR Yes)
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KDE Developer
Okay , please try again with the latest 4.4.0 beta 1 release: there was a bug where under some circumstances -- and I'm not sure which ones -- Krita would crash for some people when creating a new frame.

Check out -- that has that bug fixed.

Running regular Linux krita on Chomebooks isn't supported or tested, though, and Krita for ChromeOS still is in beta, so the situation is a bit uncertain.


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