Registered Member
I'm new to krita 2.2 and struggling to do some very simple things that are easy in GIMP and older versions of krita. For example, I want to blend two images using a gradient mask. In GIMP and older versions of krita, I'd do the following:
* Open the first image * Open the second image as a layer * Add a mask to the top layer * Use the gradient fill tool to make a gradient (from dark to light) on the mask I tried using a transparency mask on krita 2.2. I was able to edit the mask using the pixel eraser. However, I couldn't make a gradient using the gradient fill tool. It just writes to the image itself. Also, the pixel eraser seems to be a one-way street: I can make the image more transparent, but there seems to be no way to make it less transparent. With other programs, I would just paint white, grey, or black onto the mask to fine tune the transparency. |
KDE Developer
In Krita you either paint with the pixel or with the eraser.
For the gradient select the mask in the layerbox and then draw the gradient. In the instead of black/white use transparent/non-transparent in the gradient. Can you post directly to the subforums? The way you are doing it now doesn't show the post in the forum. |
Registered Member
I tried what you suggested, but no luck. Here's what I did:
* Opened two images as layers. * Click on top layer in the layer box and select Transparency Mask * Click on the + sign next to the layer so I can see the Transparency Mask * Click on the Transparency Mask to select it * Click on the Gradient Tool * Bring up the gradient editor and click on "Custom Gradient" * Set left and right colors to white, and opacity to 100 and 0, respectively * Draw a line on the image and wait while it does a gradient fill Unfortunately, after doing all this, nothing happens to the image. By the way, these are 16 bit images, if that matters. If instead of selecting the transparency mask, I select the layer itself, I get a gradient that fades from white to transparent, which of course isn't what I'm after but at least shows the gradient is drawn properly. (By the way, in posting I just followed the dialogs. I selected Krita as the product and wasn't given a choice of where to post.) |
KDE Developer
Try to erase the mask before painting the gradient.
Registered Member
Thanks, that worked! I don't understand it, but it worked.
Is there an easy way to erase the mask? I just used pixel erase with a big brush size, which was rather tedious. |
Registered Member
I found that I can erase the entire mask using flood fill with a black color and erase mode (using the Tool Options in the lower right).
KDE Developer
There is also Edit->Clear
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