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Krita + non-wacom tablets

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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Thu May 22, 2014 12:04 pm
Hi, Marand!

Thank you for your information! :)
I'll check it with my evdev device soon.
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Thu May 22, 2014 12:18 pm
dkazakov wrote:Hi, Marand!

Thank you for your information! :)
I'll check it with my evdev device soon.

No problem. I'll keep checking here in case you need any additional information or would like me to test something, so just let me know if you do.
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Sat May 24, 2014 5:29 pm
Hi guys, i recently bought a huion 610pro since they are offering to work with krita on windows and linux systems. The thing is, under windows 7 x86/x64, krita version 2.8.3, i can not make the pressure sensitivity work normally. I'm not sure if this is a driver issue or krita is at fault here ,but i would like to ask if this is a common issue or i'm doing windows installation wrong.
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Sun May 25, 2014 1:23 am
Mafediz wrote:Hi guys, i recently bought a huion 610pro since they are offering to work with krita on windows and linux systems. The thing is, under windows 7 x86/x64, krita version 2.8.3, i can not make the pressure sensitivity work normally. I'm not sure if this is a driver issue or krita is at fault here ,but i would like to ask if this is a common issue or i'm doing windows installation wrong.

You didn't state whether you tested with any other apps, but getting pressure working with the Huion driver can be fickle due to some built-in support Windows has now for certain types of tablets. There are two things you should check with regard to the tablet's configuration, both related to Microsoft's weird tablet PC support:
* Open the systray app your huion tablet driver installed and, if there is a checkbox on the first tab titled "Support Tablet PC Feature", make sure it's unchecked.
* Somewhere in the control panel, there's a "Windows Features" section. Find the "TabletPC" one and remove it.

I had to deal with this when I was setting up my monoprice pen display (which uses the same drivers), and these two things seem to be very problematic when setting up for Windows. (I've even encountered problems in Windows with Wacom tablets due to the built-in TabletPC support)

What I did, in the order I did it, to get things going smoothly:
1. Unplugged both tablets (my intuos and the new one) before booting Windows
2. Removed old drivers and the "TabletPC features" mentioned above. Rebooted, no device connected still.
3. Installed the new device's driver after boot, rebooted again.
4.* (Multi-monitor only) Set the display I wanted the tablet to work on (the pen display in my case) as the primary display, rebooted.
5. Once booted and logged back in, connected the new device and waited for Windows to detect and set things up
6. Disable "Support TabletPC Feature" setting in the systray app.

* Step 4 may not be necessary, but the tablet driver config app wouldn't let me select a display to map to, so it acts as a workaround.

Some of the rebooting may be unnecessary, but I was having a lot of trouble with my device, caused largely by tabletPC and Wacom bits not fully being removed, so I rebooted at each step to make sure no steps conflicted. At this point, pressure sensitivity should work in Krita 2.8 and other apps. After getting everything set like above, pressure worked successfully for me in Krita, Gimp and Manga Studio (has a trial, good for testing).

Hope that helps, because that's basically all I've used the device for in Windows (set it up to make sure it worked), so I don't have much other advice.
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Sun May 25, 2014 4:00 pm
Thanks for the help Marand, i followed your instructions to uninstall the wintab , and sadly the pressure refuses to work as it should. I have done some testing on other painting software and even SAI works fine. I'll try to explain better what is going on.

I found that pressure works on a near crashing krita. You see. After creating a new document in maximize screen mode (not full screen, you need the windows taskbar)

1 if i use brushes like Basic_circle, Basic_circle_wet, Fill_block, Fill_circle the pressure doesn't work but the pen is recognized, and seems to make lines as if they where done with a mouse (full pressure).

2 in this current state, (pen somewhere inside krita, on the canvas) if you lift the pen outside the range of the graphic tablet for a coupe of seconds, you will notice a "small circle flash" on the cursor. This indicates the moment that even the "left click/right click" inside the canvas won't work. Tried the ctrl key for color picking, hand tool, nothing seems to respond.

3 now, you need to move the pen outside the krita windows, and click anything in the taskbar: the bar with app shortcuts, start menu, clock, etc.
4 return the pen inside the krita canvas, and pressure will start working with the last brush you where using. But nothing more will work, sadly. You can select other brushes, hand tool (space bar), color picker (ctrl key),but they will not respond, you are still in brush mode able to make lines with pressure sensitivity (you are stuck at the last selection before the "small circle flash" peraps). And the right click won't display the circle menu either.

All this happens with:

krita 2.8.3 x64
windows 7 x64
huion 0516 drivers for h610 pro (p80 pencil with rechargable battery)

I contacted the huion customer support, and they seems to be aware of the weird things happening with krita. I hope they fix them soon.
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:16 pm
I have Linux Mint 17 and after installing this driver - - I can draw in GIMP without pressure sensitivity (unless it must be enabled somehow) and in MyPaint with pressure sensitivity, but in while I can navigate all right with the table in Krita 2.8.1, once I move the cursor over the canvas, the cursor disappears and nothing gets drawn when I press and drag the stylus. The mouse can draw lines, but not the tablet.
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:28 pm
The last item in tells how Animtim got our Huion H610 to work on Linux.
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Thu Jun 26, 2014 6:49 pm
boudewijn wrote:The last item in tells how Animtim got our Huion H610 to work on Linux.

Thank you for the pointer! I found those same instructions on another site, but for me it was exactly the other way around as is said in the FAQ item - after installing that driver I had a working tablet in MyPaint, but not in GIMP (no pressure sensitivity, although it fixed the brush lagging behind the cursor), and not in Krita (it seemed to fix Krita crashing (it either stopped responding and a message with a killing offer appeared, or at least once I remember it complaining about a segmentation fault or something like that), but the drawing is still not working).

I'll try the proportions adjusting part later, and let you know if that fixes anything, although I somehow doubt it as it's said that the tablet should work already after installing that driver.
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Fri Jun 27, 2014 8:41 am
I tried the input device calibration today, it worked all right, I even had exactly the same proportions to be matched. Still, as expected — "Krita" doesn't draw. Tablet navigates all right, the brush can be selected all right, but once over the canvas, the brush shape is flickering much and when I'm drawing, nothing appears on the screen. And when I tried several brushes and several draws, it became unresponsive again: the white canvas vanished revealing a square-marked transparent canvas and when I try to close the window, an offer to kill it appears, all the while "Krita" trying to take 100% of CPU.
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Wed Jul 09, 2014 7:29 pm
Hello KDE.
I'm running Xubuntu12.04-64 with an NVIDIA GTX-570 graphics card and an Aiptek 600U graphics tablet.
I had issues with the canvas not updating and crashing when working with vectors.
These problems appear to be resolved after changing the NVIDIA X Settings. Specifically, I changed the Anti-aliasing
from "Override" to "Application Controlled".
I am running the ppa:master Krita 2.9 pre-alpha version and all seems well now.
Agent OJ
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Thu Jul 10, 2014 10:28 pm
Hello everybody,

I just registered to this forum for help so I can use this remarkable program. Unfortunately, Krita doesn't detect any pressure when I use my tablet pen. This problem occurs when I try to select the tools and options above the canvas.

I'm using Genius M610x tablet with Windows 7 (Please don't tar and feather me for support The Man) and Radeon HD 5450 video card.
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Fri Jul 11, 2014 7:49 am
Hm, we have one genius tablet to test with, but that's a really old one. Which version of Krita are you using exactly? If it's the 2.8 release, maybe try with one of the development builds: ... .79.11.msi
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Mon Jul 21, 2014 7:33 pm
Hello. I am new to Linux. My first distro is Linux Mint 17 - Cinnamon. I recently purchased a Yiynova MSP19U+. Is it true that some Yiynova tablets have been donated for testing?

I installed the Wizardpen driver. It only clicks, but the cursor does not move because this is an orphaned and outdated driver. Has there been development for Yiynova drivers recently? If so, how are things coming along?

Thank you very much. I really look forward to using Krita.
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KDE Developer

Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:07 pm
Hi Rosen,

Yes, Yiynova Europe recently sent us a 19 and 21.5 inch tablet monitor to test with. The obvious bugs we had on Windows are already fixed, but even after I spent most of today trying to make it work with Linux, I haven't had any success. It's pretty frustrating, since xinput sees not one, but _two_ UC-LOGIC TABLET MONITOR devices. Using xinput test I find that events do arrive -- but somehow there is no connection to the X11 pointer.

This isn't a Krita issue -- there is something not okay on a much lower level, way beyond my expertise level, but I'm still looking into it...
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Re: Krita + non-wacom tablets

Mon Jul 21, 2014 9:00 pm
Thank you for the fast reply.

I was already aware of it being a driver issue and not Krita. It is just that the Yiynova MSP19U+ is quite recent. Good luck with building drivers and solving any problems.


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