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HOWTO put in order KickOff (Linux) with Gnome apps.

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Perhaps you have installed KDE and Gnome in the same machine and this makes your KickOff menu become "crazy": some programs appear two times o are in menus that they shouldn't.

To reppear this, there is a package that is called kmenu-gnome that creates a sub-menu in the main menu called Gnome where all the Gnome native apps are. Like this:

HOWTO install this: (In Linux)
1-Program Source (Gentoo, Sabayon, or all if you want): ... n=31166957
2-Debian package (for Debian, Ubuntu and all that uses .deb packages) ... a03e058b90
3-Fedora (I don't have Fedora, but it should work):
Code: Select all
su -c 'yum -y install kmenu-gnome'

After the install your KickOff menu will be in a better order. In case of you would like to pick some apps from de Gnome sub-menu, you anly hace to edit de KickOff menu and move your apps from Gnome sub-menu to other menus (with total freedom).

That's all!

[size=x-small]P.S.: My english is not the best, because I'm spanish, sorry![/size]

Last edited by excalibur1491 on Sun Dec 28, 2008 12:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.

excalibur1491, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.


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