![]() Mentor ![]()
This is the summary report of the first BugWeek session.
Participants User | KDE SC | Qt jtamate | 4.4 SVN 1066188 | 4.6-stable-patched Rémy Greinhofer | 4.3.4 | 4.5.3 Ingo Malchow | 4.4 Beta2 | 4.6.0 tampakrap | 4.4 SVN | 4.6 kde-qt master Henry Rust | 4.3.4 | 4.5.3 Ryan J Redding | 4.3.4 | 4.5.3 talavis | 4.4 SVN 1068561 | 4.6 kde-qt Lasse Liehu | 4.4 Beta2 | 4.6.0 ComputerDruid | 4.4 SVN 1067986 | 4.6.0 Kolia | 4.4 SVN 1068732 | 4.6.0 meloon | 4.3.4 | 4.5.3 jaafar | trunk | unknown | (Added at last moment) Statistics ![]() Total reports checked: 141 A) Bug is no longer present: 42 B) Need more information from the reporter to test bug: 21 C) Bug is a duplicate of another bug report: 2 D) Bug is still present: 38 E) Any other bug reports or special cases: 37 (was 38) Batches checked: 14 of 20 Bug Reports A. Bug is no longer present Bug #188068 It works for me (meloon) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #190374 It works for me (meloon) Seems to be still valid on some cases (random appearance of the bug) Bug #192631 Works for me. (Lasse Liehu) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #193190 I can not reproduce the bug, posted a comment. (Kolia) Seems to be still valid Bug #194319 Can not reproduce, I posted a comment so that the reporter tries again (since it was a few months old) --> reporter can not reproduce it anymore, Dario closed the bug. (Kolia) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #198548 It works for me here ... (Henry Rust) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #200204 Works for me (meloon) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #184629 Cannot reproduce the bug. It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #186472 Cannot reproduce the bug. It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #186475 Cannot reproduce the bug. It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #187290 Cannot reproduce the bug. It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as REMIND (the reporter stopped using KDE4, will check on 4.4) Bug #187318 Cannot reproduce the bug. It works fine for me, as there is a solution provided. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as WORKSFORME. Should this be checked by devs? Bug #187850 Cannot reproduce the bug. It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as FIXED Bug #187984 Cannot reproduce the bug. It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #200329 I can not reproduce this bug, posted a comment -> the reporter precised it was on Compiz only, and posted a patch that fixes the bug for him. (Kolia) Bug #200697 I can not reproduce the bug, posted a comment. (Kolia) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #200705 I can not reproduce the bug, posted a comment. (Kolia) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #201526 It works for me here ... (Henry Rust) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #201761 It works for me here ... (Henry Rust) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #202730 The reporter apparently closed the bug ![]() Bug #202848 Works for me. (Lasse Liehu) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #203131 Bug seems to be resolved. (ComputerDruid) Closed as FIXED Bug #203383 I can't reproduce, seems fixed. (ComputerDruid) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #203389 It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #203482 It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Migration bug, it should probably be closed. Bug #203540 It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as FIXED Bug #203595 It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #203836 It works fine for me. (Rémy Greinhofer) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #204105 Can not reproduce. Posted a comment to ask user to try again since the report is a few months old. (Kolia) Closed as WORKSFORME Bug #204371 Can not reproduce, posted a comment. (Kolia) Closed as FIXED (properly fixed by notmart) Bug #204394 Can not reproduce. Posted comment to ask user to try again since the report is a few months old. --> he answers that he stills experience it partially with KDE 4.3.4. He should try with KDE 4.4 (Kolia) Bug #194374 can't reproduce in 4.4, probably fixed * (tampakrap) Bug #195762 can't reproduce, the user needs to be checked with kde 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #195890 can't reproduce, the user needs to be checked with kde 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #195996 can't reproduce, the user needs to be checked with kde 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #196631 can't reproduce in 4.4, probably fixed * (tampakrap) Bug #188812 can't reproduce with xorg 1.7 and nvidia, plus c6 indicates this is fixed * (tampakrap) Bug #189279 seems similar to previous one, can't reproduce with nvidia (no intel here) * (tampakrap) Bug #189324 i think this is an old nvidia driver bug, can't reproduce with 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #191901 can't reproduce, probably fixed, needs to be checked with 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #192734 can't reproduce, probably fixed, needs to be checked with 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #192736 can't reproduce, probably fixed, needs to be checked with 4.4 and newer xorg / nvidia drivers * (tampakrap) B. Need more information from the reporter to test bug Bug #193369 I can not reproduce the bug but not sure I was reproducing the steps correctly, posted a comment --> the reporter detailed it and I think I tested correctly, still can not reproduce it. A tester using CJK characters on a regular basis should confirm IMHO. (Kolia) Bug #193534 I can not reproduce because the steps provided by the reporter are probably specific to his OS/hardware combination, and that even him can not reproduce the steps (not the bug, the steps) since his last distro release... (Kolia) Bug #174315 Requested the reporter to try again with kde sc 4.4 beta 2. (jtamate) Bug #181021 Related to programming plasmoids (Requested to try again with kde sc 4.4 beta 2) (jtamate) Bug #181241 Related to programming plasmoids (Requested to try again with kde sc 4.4 beta 2) (jtamate) Bug #198916 I don't know how to reproduce this bug (Henry Rust) Bug #200458 Need more details, posted a comment --> the user precised the steps and gkiagia was able to reproduce it with 4.3.4. We can not test it against current trunk because the feature to add widgets to screensaver is broken. Chani's working on it. (Kolia) Bug #200723 I need more details, posted a comment (Kolia) Bug #201925 I don't understand the problem. (Henry Rust) Bug #202579 Even the screenshot isn't available anymore. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #202974 Needs more information, but might need to be recategorized as a kwin bug. It might not even be a bug at all. UPDATE: Reporter doesn't care enough anymore to retest. Can be closed now. Closed as FIXED Bug #203240 Seems untestable. (ComputerDruid) Bug #203241 Similarly untestable (same reporter, problem might be related) (ComputerDruid) Bug #202225 Need more detail and a good test case. (jaafar) Bug #196003 can't check, but user has a very old kde version, needs to be checked with 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #190129 i can't reproduce but my system is screen resolutions are very different from the user's (no widescreens), probably valid, still needs to be checked with 4.4 and newer xorg / nividia drivers * (tampakrap) Bug #183122 can't reproduce, needs to be checked with 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #183660 i think this is a very old bug, needs to be checked with 4.4 and newer xorg / nvidia drivers * (tampakrap) Bug #183873 can't test, i can suggest user to check with 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #199851 can't test, but i remember that a friend had the same problem with different screen resolutions, needs to be checked with 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #201401 probably fixed, needs to be checked with 4.4 * (tampakrap) C. Bug is a duplicate of another bug report Bug #193715 Duplicate of 196960 and both related to code in playground, so closed by notmart after discussion on IRC with Dario and pinotree. (Kolia) Closed as DUPLICATE Bug #204183 Can not reproduce. Maybe a duplicate of https://bugs.kde.org/180640 even if it does not seem as instantly as this one. (Kolia) I can't really be sure about this... D. Bug is still present Bug #188831 I can confirm this usability problem (meloon) Bug #190595 I could reproduce this bug. (meloon) Bug #190627 I could reproduce this bug. (meloon) Bug #190980 The problem isn't about big fonts specifically, so the report needs a better title. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #191051 Bug is still reproducible. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #191193 Bug is still reproducible. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #191512 Bug is still reproducible. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #193653 I can reproduce, according to an aseigo's comment on the bug report, it's probably a Qt bug. (Kolia) Bug #193756 I can reproduce it, posted comment. (Kolia) Bug #196907 Strange panel placements. (jtamate) Bug #197330 A junior job (jtamate) Bug #198696 The bug it is still reproducible. But it's important that the widgets must be locked. (Henry Rust) Bug #198814 The bug it is still reproducible. (Henry Rust) Bug #199470 I could reproduce this bug (meloon) Bug #199565 I could reproduce this bug (meloon) Bug #199640 I could reproduce this bug (meloon) Bug #199725 I could reproduce this bug (meloon) Bug #184209 Could reproduce the problem, with a slighlty variation. (Rémy Greinhofer) Bug #185887 Could reproduce the problem. (Rémy Greinhofer) Bug #201154 The bug it is still reproducible. (Henry Rust) Bug #201534 The bug it is still reproducible. (Henry Rust) Bug #201663 The bug it is still reproducible. (Henry Rust) Bug #201862 The bug it is still reproducible. (Henry Rust) Bug #202537 The bug is still reproducible, added some info. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #202549 Still present, added some new (hopefully useful) information. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #202566 Still present. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #202912 Strangely enough I was about to report this myself... (ComputerDruid) Bug #203103 Still present. Problem with the way it was designed. (ComputerDruid) Bug #203164 Can reproduce. (ComputerDruid) Bug #203462 I could reproduce the bug. (Rémy Greinhofer) Bug #203764 I could reproduce the bug. (Rémy Greinhofer) Bug #203832 I could reproduce the bug. (Rémy Greinhofer) Bug #202227 I could reproduce in trunk (jaafar) Bug #203931 Can reproduce. Posted a comment. (Kolia) Bug #194447 valid (tampakrap) Bug #196052 valid (tampakrap) Bug #193020 reproducable (WOW!) (tampakrap) Bug #183280 reproducable, but no need to add comment (tampakrap) E. Any other bug reports or special cases. Bug #190099 I don't have a bad installed plasmoit to test this bug. (meloon) Bug #193128 I can't reproduce, but I really don't want to bet it's fixed. Added a comment to the bug. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #193458 I can not reproduce, the bug happened during an update from KDE 4.2 to KDE 4.3 (Kolia) Bug #193582 I can reproduce but it seems to occur in a particular theme (Silicon) which is provided on kde-look.org. So not sure it's really plasma related, since it does not happen with Air nor Oxygen. (Kolia) Bug #193781 Usability problem/Wish. (Kolia) Bug #180057 I'm unable to add even the ones from kde-look. I can not test it. (jtamate) Bug #182095 This is a wish. But I'm not sure if a plasma, dolphin or kdelibs. (jtamate) Bug #183815 Probably gone, but very hard to test. (jtamate) Bug #197330 I can reproduce another incorrect behavior. (jtamate) Bug #198574 Shortcuts work with widgets, which have an action clicking on them. Otherwise the shortcuts are useless (Henry Rust) Bug #198608 The first part of the problem works for me. The other one can't be tested, because I haven't two screens. tampakrap can you please test this bug? (Henry Rust) Bug #198998 I can't reproduce this bug, but you may must have compositing enabled to reproduce it. For me compositing doesn't work. Could anyone please test this bug with compositing enabled? (Henry Rust) Bug #199017 The same for this bug. (Henry Rust) Bug #199227 Could not reproduce, because I have no Remember the Milk account. (Henry Rust) Bug #199430 Could not reproduce, because for me compositing doesn't work (Henry Rust) Bug #200184 Plasma needs to run "a few days" to confirm this bug. (meloon) Bug #200639 Looks like driver problem. According to Dario we should request more info in a comment: (- Can the reporter reproduce it again, - In which KDE SC/Qt combo, with which nvidia driver and if possible other, information related to the Graphics server and the driver. Might need an expert here.) (Kolia) Bug #200768 I don't have 2 batteries slot I can not test this bug. (Kolia) Bug #200798 I can not reproduce it exactly but there is indeed a problem, IMHO the report should be renamed. I posted a comment. (Kolia) Bug #200961 It's a wish, not a bug. Someone attached a patch for it. The title should also be changed to be more explicit. (Kolia) Bug #200996 I can reproduce but seems an OpenDesktop api bug to me, not a plasma one. Posted a comment. (Kolia) Bug #201539 I don't have a laptop to test this bug. (Henry Rust) Bug #201915 I don't have a twitter account to test this bug. (Henry Rust) Bug #202225 Didn't test, passed on to jaafar ![]() Bug #202227 Didn't test, same. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #202732 I don't know what to do with this. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #202879 I'm not sure if I can reproduce this or not. I can see incorrectly painted button, but it always disappears soon and gets repainted correctly, though sometimes only when I mouse over the button. (Lasse Liehu) Bug #203150 Can't confirm as I have plasma built without googlegadgets (ComputerDruid) Bug #203331 Can't test, needs multiple monitors (ComputerDruid) Bug #203795 Multiple monitor required (Rémy Greinhofer) Bug #203857 Multiple monitor required (Rémy Greinhofer) Bug #203888 I can not stress it a lot because my laptop won't support 40 open windows. But I notice that already with a few windows opened, and when switching desktop, the taskbar is not updated as fast as the desktop itselft. So it might take a few seconds with dozens of opened windows. (Kolia) Bug #203924 Can reproduce. But the point is that there is no consensus on what is the expected behavior attached to "windows can cover" ![]() Bug #204007 Can not test, Ark is crashing in my environment :/ (Kolia) Bug #204027 Can not reproduce, KGet does not start downloading in my environment :/ (Kolia) Bug #195064 I can't compile the code, probably something is messed in my system (later or someboy else takes it) (tampakrap) Bug #195998 i recall this bug with 4.3 branch, iirc it is a Qt issue, users need to check with qt 4.6 and/or kde 4.4 * (tampakrap) Bug #186619 not a bug but a wish, when both screens are in folder view mode, only one of them to show the icons (tampakrap) |
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