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Congrats to Intrepid!

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Congrats to Intrepid!

Sun Nov 23, 2008 6:14 pm
Ok, the time has come, a more or less boring sunday, bad program on TV, so i decided to finally do what i kept on my long term todo list. Updating to Intrepid.
Yeah, i am too one of those guys who can't live without the bleeding edge ;) .
I chose to upgrade from 8.04, no new install, as i have so much configured software, it would take me too long to get back to my current state. You can't win if you don't risk something...
And i really must say the kubuntu guys did a great job! It worked like a charm. At least for me.
Only thing i needed to do before restarting is moving my .kde4 dir to .kde. Sure, some small mistakes after the restart, but for sure something i can handle faster than a complete new install.
The new adept is really nice. I love it at the first look. And i am sure, i will love it more, when i get used to it. And it feels much faster than the old one.
KDE4 is like i left it. Only thing i can't get to work is kopete, no possibility to configure it or use my old configs (if someone can give me a helping hand, would be great...).
I see the backports, and for some i am glad they are there, for one not (activities, but i know the reason, i can live with it).

So what i want to say is, besides the bad response to the new kubuntu release, you made me happy once again. Keep up the good work!

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RE: Congrats to Intrepid!

Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:35 am
I totally agree.. i set up 3 kubuntu workstations in the last 2 days and everything worked great.. out of the box... (yes, thats what i do when writing my theoretical thesis about free open source software is getting boring.. promoting and installing linux) there was one issue with an analog lcd screen that solved itself by automatically installing the nvidia driver.. thats all.. THX to the Kubuntu Team!

@neverendingo: for someone who can't live without the bleeding edge you sustained a long time with 8.04 then ^^

Kubuntu 12.04 x64 | KDE SC 4.8
Nvidia 8800 GTS | Core2Duo E6600 | 4 GB RAM
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RE: Congrats to Intrepid!

Mon Nov 24, 2008 10:38 am
@waldelf: yeah, it was a hard time... thinking every day "should i? should i not?"... ;)

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