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Personal findings using KDE on wayland for 2 weeks.

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I don't know if this is the right place, but I just wanted to share my personal experience of, using Wayland on my laptop, for the past 2 weeks on vacation.
Since i happened to have spare monitors anyway, I still had a triple monitor setup.

First I wanted to say most things went perfectly fine, per monitor scaling is nice, sure it causes blurriness on xorg programs, but that really can't be helped.

My biggest gripe on Wayland that as far as I know there is no good way for programs to detect on which monitor the cursor is.
Which can be quite annoying when, for example krunner always runs on the leftmost screen, instead of the one you are looking at the moment.
Or with yakauke which you may want on a different screen depending on the situation.
Just some bugs for reference:

Besides that there are some other issues I mostly found, but not enough to point to something concrete.
The clipboard seems to be a bit wonkey,
Firefox (Wayland session) sometimes seems to cause plasma shell to crash, leaving a nice black background and no taskbars. Unlike on xorg it's not an easy restart. especially when dragging tabs between monitors.
LibreOffice (at least calc) is rather unstable.
Dragging panels between monitors can at times cause plasmashell to crash.


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