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Something wrong with splits in investments.

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I have 2 companies which had splits and i recorded split just fine, but after selling the positions something wierd happened.

Both of those companies with split has now quantity of 0 after selling the position but Value is small positive amount.
For example I had Brookefield infrastructure (BIPC).
27.8.2021 bought 67 of them
13.6.2022 split 1 to 1,5 (to 100).
20.12.2022 sold 100.

Now I have in portfolio 0 BIPC with value of 27,61 $, and I do not know how to fix that.

same applies to
Waypoint reit.
4.6.2021 bought 780 WPR
10.11.2021 reverse split 1 to 0,9372
21.11.2022 sold 731 shares

Now I have 0 WPR with value of 0,05 $


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