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Weirdness when moving/copying files

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Weirdness when moving/copying files

Mon Jan 16, 2023 6:10 pm
I don't know exactly when this started, but it's seriously bugging me. Here is a rough outline of how the issue occurs:

    1. Select item(s) in folder_A. (Call these selected item(s) selection_01)
    2. Drag-and-drop or copy-paste selection_01, moving or copying them from folder_A to folder_B.
    3. Items in selection_01 are successfully moved/copied from folder_A to folder_B.
    4. Select other item(s) in folder_A. (Call these selected item(s) selection_02)
    5. Drag-and-drop or copy-paste selection_02 from folder_A to folder_B.
    6. Dialog box pops up to warn me that the files already exist in folder_B, but the files it shows are selection_01, not selection_02.

If I delete selection_01 or move the files rather than copying them, I get an error stating that selection_01 does not exist. This also occurs if folder_A is on a removable device such as a USB stick that I have disconnected. Also, it doesn't seem to make a difference whether I'm moving files to a location on the same drive or between one drive and another.

The only workaround I've found so far -- without restarting -- is to use the terminal. I do a lot of things with the terminal anyway, but I still think this is weird as hell.

This is happening on KDE Neon 5.26; not yet sure if this is a bug specific to KDE Neon, but it sure is annoying. I'm also going to post about this on, I'm also not sure if the following is relevant, but:

    - KDE Plasma v5.26.5
    - KDE Frameworks v5.101.0
    - Qt v5.15.8
    - Kernel version is 5.15.0-56-generic (64-bit)***

***I'm not sure if this in particular is relevant, but recent updates have included kernel versions 5.15.0-57 and 5.15.0-58, both of which cause my trackpad to be unusable. I don't think that is connected to the issues described above, but I figured I'd throw it out there just in case.

If more info is needed, please let me know. It feels almost like I'm missing something super obvious, like I'm staring right at it and don't see it.


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