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rss feed on for new answers in a tread

rss feed on answers in treeds and not only for new treads as it is now.

Yes ,its a wonderful idea fix it now plz:)
Naah i don't kneed it i rather visit the forum to read the new answers
Dunno,don't really care as im not using it, but im not opposing it either

Total votes : 13

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neverendingo wrote:No, right, akregator doesn't has jabber support, but kopete has. ;)
Nevertheless, it was only a side note if rss then is still needed.

yea i know that:) nad yeah rss i still neaded at least 4 me:) as i use akregator both 2 get info about a newreaply and to browse the the tread where the answer has bean psoted.. and unfourtonaly the browsing extension 2 thunderbird is not realy ggod,not like the built in konq of akregator:)[hr]
neverendingo wrote:No, right, akregator doesn't has jabber support, but kopete has. ;)
Nevertheless, it was only a side note if rss then is still needed.

and now i manicly updates this tab in opera 2 see if thers som new answers that neead a reaply from me:P^^

Last edited by of_darkness on Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.

of_darkness, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Oct.


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