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Kubuntu and News-Videos

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Kubuntu and News-Videos

Sat Feb 04, 2012 9:53 am
Despite of Kubuntu seeming to be a good OS, I've found some drawbacks in it from which the main thing is that it doesn't show BBC-News.Chanel VIDEOS, only sound is to be heard. Same concerns regarding Local News-Media VIDEOS for example here in Finland (in this case, I'm sure there are similar problems elsewhere), It's wholly mute. Is it problem with local-, proxy-, etc. adjustments or lack of developing proper plugin-packages, incompatiility of bandwiths ( [?] proper term? ) or problems of this nature? In my view, IMPORTANT News-Videos-Channels - whether world-wide or local - should be seen by DEFAULT with some type of Restricted Plugin-Package at most. If there's a program(s) in "Muon" to fix this problem, for an ordinary user trying to find right plugin is more like serching a NEEDLE from the pile of grass. In Kubuntu this seems to be a problem with the "Konqueror" and "rekonq" which in themselves are good browsers. But here's a BLIND SPOT. I over-passed this problem by SIMPLY installing "Firefox" abreast and bookmarking there important News-Video-Channels to watch, because Firefox shows them just fine. This was a MAJOR issue for ME. Some minor problems exists (( therte's no 'perfect' system - rather a process of nearing "perfection" asymptotically ) like that with "Muon Package Manager" - W-I-N-D-O-W whilst Muon is in use - it's behaviour. Window EXTENDS O-V-E-R the screen when it's impossible to read the sentence(s) AT ONCE. After painfully trying to roll window back to left with the mouse from the upper panel IN ORDER to resize it from the up-right corner it changes this time OVER-NARROWED window with only fragment of the program-sentence and it's info-content to be seen AT ONCE. OF C-O-U-R-S-E this is painful and time wasting as anything - a 'should-be-out-dated' - phenomenon. It's difficult to see which programs are installed at ONE GLANCE. This may be fixable from somewhere, but this kind of thing should work properly TO START WITH. In my view the MAIN factor in deciding which OS to use is it's S-T-A-B-L-E-N-E-S-S which MEANS that it's RELATIVELY CRASH-FREE in the LONG-RUN. Despite of this kind of matters I like Kubuntu and all major versions of Ubuntu-Linux in general with due RESPECT to DEVELOPERS. I'll certainly stay Linux-user with some of the Ubuntu versions because I like them and I've been learning a lot about computers and things related T-H-R-O-U-G-H them.


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