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clone copy of audio cd not readable in all players

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Hi! After just smashing the 10th blank CD-R, I guess it's time to ask...

I'd like to back up my audio CD collection to HDD, without any encoding, raw original data. So I thought I simply use K3B's Disk Copy feature, check Only create Image and Clone CD, and start reading. That went fine. But after burning the image later (burning process finishes without any error), the CD seems to be not readable in all CD players. The one in my hifi plays it, the one in my car doesn't, saying CD ERROR. I tried several writing speeds from 8-48, always same result.

Has anybody encountered the same problem, or even better, an idea how to burn playable CDs this way?

Using Normal Copy seems to work for all CD players. But it is much slower in reading, and only a set of .wav files seems to be generated, no .toc or somthing. So I guess I alaways would have to enter title names for CD-Text at burn time, right?

K3B Version: 1.91.0
Wodim: 1.1.10
CD Writer reported as TSSTcorp, CDDVDW SH-S223C
Registered Member
Just an update to my issue...

I spent several hours to track down my problem now. At least it seems to be no issue of k3b itself, but of cdrtools (and forks).

What I tried was:
1) copy audio cd with readom and wodim -clone at command line
2) copy audio cd readcd and cdrecord -clone (original cdrtools) at command line
3) step 1) and 2) with other writer hardware (a LG device)
4) step 1) and 2) with other source audio cd
5) step 1) and 2) with other cd-r media types

What i got was ALWAYS the same result: the resulting audio CD is only playable in a few CD players (about 50% of the players I tried so far).

I wonder why there are no similar problem desciriptions when asking google. Am I really the only one who tries to copy a audio CD this way? Or do I have such special hardware/software combination?

Would be grateful for any hint, or if anybody could verify this issue...
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You may need to "Rip" the CD in WAV format ( no loss in quality, files are RAW data from the CD ) then burn them back on to a new disc.

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