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Problems near end of burned audio cd's

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Using my car as a test rig, I'm having problems with songs near the end of full 80 min. audio cd's. The cd starts skipping & it gets worse as it gets further towards the end of the disc.

I really hope there is some answer because I burn a bunch of xmas cd's every year to give as gifts. This is my first year doing it in Linux & it's really not working out so far.

Previous years cd's, burned in windows, play fine in the car. After looking at several choices, I chose K3b to use in Gnome (Ubuntu 10.04 - 64bit Mint 9 actually). I have slowed down the burns & that seems to help, but K3b says 16x is the slowest speed the burner supports. This is a weeks old Asus burner. I've also tried it on another machine, same software, Plextor burner. Same result. Kinda start to freak out over this. Really don't want to send out a bunch of coasters...


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