Registered Member
Greetings, dear colleagues.
Surprisingly, I've recently discovered that full text indexing of PDFs and DJVUs doesn't work any more on my laptop. It worked on all KDE 4.8 branch, but it fails to work on KDE 4.8.5. I tried to delete all nepomuk data to make it reindex all again, but that didn't help. Indexing of other files (e.g. tex, bib, etc.) seems to work OK. Email indexing also works OK. Does anyone have the same problem? Please, help. OS: OpenSUSE 12.1 64 bit. KDE: 4.8.5 Best regards, Aleksey. |
Do you have any error messages printed in ~/.xsession-errors which may be relevant?
KDE Sysadmin
[img]content/bcooksley_sig.png[/img] |
Registered Member
Funny thing...
After the latest update (KDE is still 4.8.5, some minor version were updated) search seems to work. But I have some error messages ("Unable to fetch item from backend") during system start. In ~/.xsession-errors I have: posting retrieval request for item 39023 there are 1 queues and 0 items in mine request for item 39023 still pending - waiting processing retrieval request for item 39023 parts: ("RFC822") of resource: "akonadi_maildir_resource_0" AkonadiAgentServer(2482) MaildirResource::maildirForCollection: Got incomplete ancestor chain: Collection ID: 149 remote ID: "" name: "" url: KUrl("akonadi:?collection=149") parent: 103 "inbox" resource: "" rights: QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x10|0x20) contents mime type: () CachePolicy: inherit: true interval: -1 timeout: -1 sync on demand: false local parts: () CollectionStatistics: count: -1 unread count: -1 size: -1 continuing request for item 39023 "" failed: "Resource was unable to deliver item" ItemRetrieverException : Resource was unable to deliver item kontact(2551)/libakonadi Akonadi::EntityTreeModelPrivate::fetchJobDone: Job error: "Неизвестная ошибка. (Unable to fetch item from backend)" for collection: 36 And: posting retrieval request for item 39021 there are 1 queues and 0 items in mine processing retrieval request for item 39021 parts: ("RFC822") of resource: "akonadi_maildir_resource_0" request for item 39021 still pending - waiting AkonadiAgentServer(2482) MaildirResource::maildirForCollection: Got incomplete ancestor chain: Collection ID: 149 remote ID: "" name: "" url: KUrl("akonadi:?collection=149") parent: 103 "inbox" resource: "" rights: QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x10|0x20) contents mime type: () CachePolicy: inherit: true interval: -1 timeout: -1 sync on demand: false local parts: () CollectionStatistics: count: -1 unread count: -1 size: -1 continuing request for item 39021 "" failed: "Resource was unable to deliver item" ItemRetrieverException : Resource was unable to deliver item korgac(2737)/libakonadi Akonadi::EntityTreeModelPrivate::fetchJobDone: Job error: "Неизвестная ошибка. (Unable to fetch item from backend)" for collection: 36 And: request for item 39023 still pending - waiting processing retrieval request for item 39023 parts: ("RFC822") of resource: "akonadi_maildir_resource_0" AkonadiAgentServer(2482) MaildirResource::maildirForCollection: Got incomplete ancestor chain: Collection ID: 149 remote ID: "" name: "" url: KUrl("akonadi:?collection=149") parent: 103 "inbox" resource: "" rights: QFlags(0x1|0x2|0x4|0x8|0x10|0x20) contents mime type: () CachePolicy: inherit: true interval: -1 timeout: -1 sync on demand: false local parts: () CollectionStatistics: count: -1 unread count: -1 size: -1 continuing request for item 39023 "" failed: "Resource was unable to deliver item" ItemRetrieverException : Resource was unable to deliver item plasma-desktop(2392)/libakonadi Akonadi::EntityTreeModelPrivate::fetchJobDone: Job error: "Неизвестная ошибка. (Unable to fetch item from backend)" for collection: 36 Best regards, Aleksey. |
Those messages seem related to Akonadi.
Can you please enable debugging messages and see if anything else relevant is logged?
KDE Sysadmin
[img]content/bcooksley_sig.png[/img] |
Registered Member
Thank you for your answer. How can I do it? As far as I understand, DrKonki makes backtraces only after crashes. However, I don't get program crashes, I just get errors.
Please, explain where shall I see the additional messages? |
Please run "kdebugdialog", and make sure everything is checked. You probably want to disable this afterward, as it will createa very large ~/.xsession-errors file over time.
KDE Sysadmin
[img]content/bcooksley_sig.png[/img] |
Registered Member
As far as I remember to pdftotext is required to index pdf files. Maybe the problem is here. ... y-release/
Ignacio Serantes, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Nov.
Registered Member
I've deleted ~/.kde4/share/apps/nepomuk and ~/.local/share/akonadi folders. Now I don's get any errors. The only problem - I cannot download all mails from gmail again. Please, could you advise me how to do it. Deletion of gmail from akonadi sources and entering it again didn't help.
Best regards, Aleksey. |
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