The BadWindow error is unspectacular and harmless. Something queried a property of a window that does no longer exist.
Due to the async client/server nature of X11 and sloppy coding, this can happen every now and then. The interesting part is what happens if indexing is initially disabled and enbled during the session. Did you try what happens when you start with indexing enabled, disable and re-enable indexing? What's "ls ~/.kde/share/config/session" for initally enabled (and disabled) indexing? |
Registered Member
Wasn't worried about the error, only mentioned it because it served as a convenient "marker" for the point at which I was about to logout. You're ahead of me... Interesting... Repeated twice, (checking with system monitor to be absolutely certain of the running state of nepomuk/virtuoso). NO delayed logout. Empty directory, owned by user, permissions drwx------ . Thanks again... |
Ok, next funny test: delay startup of the indexer.
which nepomukfileindexer That's likely /usr/bin/nepomukfileindexer -> try to shadow it in eg. /usr/local/bin/nepomukfileindexer #!/bin/sh echo "starting nepomuk later" > /tmp/nepomuk.verification (sleep 60; /usr/bin/nepomukfileindexer) & chmod +x /usr/local/bin/nepomukfileindexer Maybe some file update at loging "confuses" nepomuk/virtuoso? |
Registered Member
First off - Thanks for your time on this. Even if it's not resolved I've learnt quite a few things, for which I'm grateful.
I think we can say that nepomukfileindexer is now out of the equation. After first confirming I had interpreted your last post correctly and I was getting a delayed start --- makes no difference. Tried the effect of "initial update=false" in nepomukstrigirc ( http://userbase.kde.org/Nepomuk/FileIndexer ) --- no difference. Added "debug mode=true" which I'll leave for a while... Disabled indexing completely, leaving just the semantic desktop enabled --- no difference. Assume it's now just down to nepomukstorage/virtuoso? Another observation related to this enable/disable/enable oddity. Login with nepomuk enabled, open system settings / desktop search, open system monitor with tree view filtered on "virt" ... systemd > kdeinit4: > nepomukserver > nepomukstorage > virtuoso-t OK - system settings, uncheck "semantic desktop", "Apply" Watching system monitor there is a long delay before virtuoso, storage and server drop out. Re-enable and repeat. virt, stor, serv <2secs and they've gone. Repeat as many times as I like - all subsequent "disables" occur in <2secs - when I finally logout there is no delay. So, what is it about that first "disable" which is different - making all subsequent "disables" (within that login session) work with no delay... albeit, that's not something you would normally do. I did some more Googling around and came across this https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1053783 Part way through the postings nepomuk/virtuoso is "accused". Now, whilst not the same (the OP seems to have other problems also), it is similar in regard to nepo/virt. Post #17 puts it down to a (known) race condition between the various nepomuk processes closing down ... fixed in (KDE) 4.10.1 All the best |
Could you try tailing ~/.xsession-errors during that first, delayed exit of Nepomuk and it's components to see if anything of relevance is output which might hint at what is connected to Nepomuk or which component is at fault?
KDE Sysadmin
[img]content/bcooksley_sig.png[/img] |
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This thread is getting quite long... Been there, done that, waiting for the t-shirt. Here: viewtopic.php?f=154&t=118949#p299226 The xsession-errors are always the same (with regard to nepomuk/virtuoso) on that first exit. Subsequent exits show as "exited normally" for nepomukstorage... Thanks...... afterthought, forum perhaps needs a smiley. |
That is during a forced exit unfortunately (courtesy of KSMServer) - we need to allow Nepomuk to naturally complete it's shutdown process (which is what happens when you disable it) to get the log entries of relevance in this case.
KDE Sysadmin
[img]content/bcooksley_sig.png[/img] |
Registered Member
OK - Not sure it helps I'm afraid... Following extract from .xsession-errors after: Login with Semantic Desktop and File Indexer enabled. System Settings > Desktop Search > disable Semantic Desktop and File Indexing Check with System Monitor that Nepomuk/Virtuoso has terminated. Logout Login on VT1 to copy .xsession-errors-:0 to ~/ (as it now gets overwritten on next xsession - sure(?) it used to create a *.old...)
After the last "GLib-GObject-WARNING" from Thunderbird would be when I disabled Nepomuk from System Settings. I've found that closing System Monitor throws the "X Error: BadWindow", so it would have been immediately after that I logged out. @ luebking - any further thoughts on this one? Thanks a lot guys - appreciated. |
Forget about the logout, you can stay logged in after turning off indexing.
What triggered the "kbuildsycoca4 running" - does it always happen when you shutdown indexing for the first time? |
Registered Member
I do wish that the entries in .xsession-errors were time-stamped After quite a while of testing, I can confidently say it appears to run twice at initial login. (Or is it simply repeating the message?) The following is from a login with Nepomuk disabled, (together with thunderbird and dropbox, which are normally started at login). Very near the start....
Thanks... |
Ok, dead end - but you could try omitting dropbox (don't ask me why), ie. don't start it with the session, then check how long the first nepomuk shutdown lasts.
Registered Member
Already tried that... doesn't make any difference. Also tried having Thunderbird, yawp (weather plasmoid), and Fast User Switch (plasmoid) all not start at login... Yet again, made no difference.
This also happens with a completely new user as well as the existing two users -- so I guess it's "system" rather than "user" related. I've still not seen any other reports of this... It looks like it's a "just me" 'bug'. Perhaps it's time to draw a line under this and just accept the delayed logout. I know Nepomuk had a lot of "bad press" in it's earlier versions, but the content indexing it provides I find extremely useful. Thanks for your time on this. |
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