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Baloo (KF5) not indexing all files

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Baloo (KF5) not indexing all files

Sat Oct 03, 2015 7:58 pm
I have a boot drive with root and home on it, and another drive mounted in fstab on boot with most of my files. Initially that drive was blacklisted in the baloo configuration dialog, but I removed it. Some of the files are indexed, but not close to all of them, and search results in Dolphin (KF5) show only a few files of the many it should show, and likewise for baloosearch from command line.

balooctl status shows:
Baloo File Indexer is running
Indexer state: Indexing file content
Indexed 5159 / 5159 files
Current size of index is 13.71 MiB

If it matters, many of the folders in my home folder are symlinks to my non-root drive. But it should still be indexing the files linked-to, because my blacklist is empty, so it should be indexing the non-root drive.

Any help greatly appreciated!
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So I disabled baloo from the configuration dialog, then reenabled it, killed some baloo processes that were still running so that I could run "balooctl restart", and now "balooctl status" returns--unexpectedly!--something different:

Baloo File Indexer is running
Indexer state: Idle
Indexed 6295 / 58926 files
Current size of index is 48.22 MiB

The problem is that it's always idle and it won't index the 52000+ files it hasn't yet indexed. Any way to force indexing?
Registered Member
Are you on a laptop by any chance? If yes we pause indexing when you are on battery. Also if that's not the case could you provide more details like the version?
Registered Member
That's on my desktop. I also have Kubuntu 15.10 installed on my laptop with a single SSD, and it works fine there. I wonder if it is the second non-root drive on my desktop that causes issues. Here is the fstab entry:

UUID=ee391534-62bd-4f78-bfec-26a154222386 /media/Hitachi ext4 defaults 0 0

Here is the contents of ~/.config/baloofilerc

[Basic Settings]

exclude filters=*.lo,*.m4,.histfile.*,conftest,confstat,.git,CMakeCache.txt,po,config.status,*.rcore,.svn,CMakeTmp,ui_*.h,*.o,.moc,*.aux,*.pc,CMakeTmpQmake,CTestTestfile.cmake,*.swap,*.elc,cmake_install.cmake,*.rej,CMakeFiles,.uic,*.pyc,moc_*.cpp,.pch,*.la,*.nvram,*.loT,*.omf,*.tmp,core-dumps,,.xsession-errors*,__pycache__,qrc_*.cpp,.hg,autom4te,*.class,*.orig,libtool,lost+found,.bzr,.obj,*~,*.moc,*.gmo,*.part,,*.vm*,lzo,*.po,CVS,confdefs.h,_darcs,*.csproj
exclude filters version=2
first run=false

Oddly, as I just went to check my baloo version, the package (baloo-kf5) is no longer installed! Ok, so when I went to just install it, it says current version already installed. NOW balooctl status shows:

Baloo File Indexer is running
Indexer state: Indexing file content
Indexed 59124 / 59124 files
Current size of index is 746.59 MiB

So it looks like 5.4.2 fixed it? Sorry, this is a complete mess!
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KDE Developer
molecule-eye wrote:If it matters, many of the folders in my home folder are symlinks to my non-root drive. But it should still be indexing the files linked-to, because my blacklist is empty, so it should be indexing the non-root drive.

Any help greatly appreciated!

This does matter. As of Baloo 5.15, we do not support system links. So unless the system linked path is also in the list of include folders, it will not be indexed.

You can check the list of include folders via `balooctl config list includeFolders` (>= 5.15). Also, you can run `balooctl status <filePath>` on any file to know if it is going to be indexed.
Registered Member
vHanda wrote:This does matter. As of Baloo 5.15, we do not support system links. So unless the system linked path is also in the list of include folders, it will not be indexed.

The linked-to folders ARE in the list of of included folders, at least according to baloofilerc. For some reason it still won't index all of them. What is odd is that the number of files it does index varies from reenable to reenable of baloo. So I don't really get how it's deciding which foders/files to index.
Registered Member
vHanda wrote:
molecule-eye wrote:If it matters, many of the folders in my home folder are symlinks to my non-root drive. But it should still be indexing the files linked-to, because my blacklist is empty, so it should be indexing the non-root drive.

Any help greatly appreciated!

This does matter. As of Baloo 5.15, we do not support system links. So unless the system linked path is also in the list of include folders, it will not be indexed.

Could you elaborate on this?

I have a dual boot installation with windows 7.
It seems the path I added to ~/.config/baloofilerc (in KDE 5 on Kubuntu 15.10)

Code: Select all
folders[$e]=$HOME/, /media/marco/Windows2/

this part
Code: Select all
does not get indexed.

Could you explain, how do I add this location so it can be indexed?

PS: Output baloo status on non indexing folder
Code: Select all
balooctl status /media/marco/Windows2/
File: /media/marco/Windows2/
Basic indexing: disbabled

Code: Select all
balooctl status
Baloo File Indexer is running
Indexer state: Indexing file content
Indexed 6446 / 6446 files
Current size of index is 46,52 MiB
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Excuse if I hijack this thread, but I think it's better to have similar issues together than a dozen threads that treat about the same thing.
I'm experiencig the same problem: Baloo indexes perfectly my home folder and works great, but, besides, I have a documents subfolder which is a symbolic link to a partition I don't usually mount; several gigas of old documents, ebooks, different texts I don't usually need at handy but want to consult from time to time, so, they don't need to reside in my "home" but I want them to be indexed to be able of making use of the fabulous Baloo capacities, that save a precious amount of time to me. But yes, Baloo ignores totally what I have in that partition.
You said:
vHanda wrote:As of Baloo 5.15, we do not support system links. So unless the system linked path is also in the list of include folders, it will not be indexed.

But where is that list of included folders? Then only list is of excluded ones. :/ Are we missing something? Plasma 5.6.1 and KF 5.20, BTW.
Since not all the folders in mi external partition contain thing I want to have indexed such folders are excluded, but I can't include anything; there's simply no "include folders" tool.

vHanda wrote:You can check the list of include folders via `balooctl config list includeFolders` (>= 5.15). Also, you can run `balooctl status <filePath>` on any file to know if it is going to be indexed.

I don't think those commands work. The first one, balooctl config list includeFolders does return /home/myuser and /run/media/myuser/myexternalpartition; the 2nd one, balooctl status /run/media/myuser/myexternalpartition returns Basic Indexing: Done but it is just false: not a single search is returned successfully, not by content nor by file name; Baloo simply ignoring my external partition and returns 0 results for that partition.
If those commands say my partition is included and indexed it should mean that, even if there isn't any "include folders" tool in the Search module of the System Settings, it has somehow been included among the directories to index, am I right? Then, do you have any hint why Baloo isn't doing its job while in the home partition worls beautifully?



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