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Context menu for Application Launcher search results

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First things first: Thanks for the baloo desktop search :) It is one of my main reasons for choosing KDE.

One thing however that I am missing a lot, is a context menu for search results in the application launcher, like in Windows and Unity. At the moment you can only left-click to open a found file. Often however, I would like to right-click the search result to open the folder that the file is in. Or sometimes I would like to copy the files path or copy, rename or delete the file, or open the file with a different Application instead of the default one.

As far as I know this is not possible in KDE at the moment. I think it would be a great time-saver if this functionality would be implemented in future releases. Or is there maybe a plugin or something like that, that would accomplish what I am looking for?

Best regards!


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