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strigi not indexing my emails, search bugs, how to debug?

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I'm using Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS, KDE 4.4.2. Nepomuk and strigi seem configured and occasionally do something useful.

But I know I have text on topics in my Thunderbird e-mail folders, and both Dolphin and strigiclient both fail to find the file.

I've located ....MyThunderbirdProfiles/blahblah.default/Mail/Local Folders in System Settings > Advanced > Desktop Search > File Indexing and it has checkboxes all the way down, so I'm not sure what the problem is. According to file(1) my e-mail files are all "ISO-8859/ASCII mail text, with very long lines, with CRLF line terminators", so I don't know why strigi wouldn't index them. Do files have to have an extension for strigi to index them ???

Dolphin's Search never finds anything in my mail folders when I search "From Here", but then again Bug Dolphin search "From Here" doesn't work in directories with ordinary .txt files either. And when I search "Everywhere" Dolphin gives me DIFFERENT, worse results than strigiclient. Agghh.

strigiclient gives better and larger search results than Dolphin (why?!), but its results never include emails in Thunderbird. Its results have a mail(nn) tab, but the results under here are never mail messages.

What's frustrating is the search operation is such a black box. I can't tell it to index a particular file, I can't find out whether it's indexed a particular file. I've spent an hour googling "strigi debug", and looking at help resources like userbase. :'(

Bug strigiclient's Edit > List indexed files displays an empty list, even though strigiclient shows "Documents indexed: 81911."

Bug strigiclient displays an odd list of directories that bears little relationship to what System Settings > Advanced > Desktop Search > File Indexing displays. E.g. the former includes /home/skierpage/.gnome2 , but this is unchecked in the latter. (This unexplained list of directories in strigiclient is a really poor default UI, what does it mean?)

Bug? The exclude folders and folders[$e] lines in .kde/share/config/nepomukstrigirc don't seem to match System Settings > Advanced > Desktop Search > File Indexing.

As other people have requested, WHY doesn't Dolphin have a way to tell strigi to index a file or directory right now? Why doesn't it provide feedback as to whether the directory it's showing you is indexed or not? Why doesn't its Properties give you this information for a directory and for a file? Under Dolphin's "Search" box is an Information panel that contains nothing but a big Nepomuk icon, I really hope it does more in a future KDE.

Thanks for any suggestions. (Please, no flames about how strigi and Nepomuk suck.)
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strigidaemon vs. NepomukStrigi ?!

Wed Aug 04, 2010 11:42 pm
skierpage wrote:Bug strigiclient displays an odd list of directories that bears little relationship to what System Settings > Advanced > Desktop Search > File Indexing displays.

The former are paths for strigiDaemonConfiguration stored in .strigi/daemon.conf , the latter are the "Strigi Index Folders" stored as exclude folders and folders[$e] in.kde/share/config/nepomukstrigirc

Can anyone explain why there are two path lists ??? Should I manually ensure they match?

What's the difference between strigidaemon and nepomukstrigiservice ? Does strigiclient use one and Dolphin search use the other? I'm still mystified why the two give such radically different results.
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Those path lists should not match, and should be maintained by the "Desktop Search" module in System Settings.

The "exclude folders" setting is responsible for listing those folders which Nepomuk should never index. The "folders" setting is responsible for listing those folders Nepomuk should index. As far as I know, the exclude setting overrides the include setting.

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