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Should I "refresh" nepomuk database?

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Probably as many users, I've bounced back and forth with enabling/disabling nepomuk and strigi since it's inception in KDE. Since the 4.7 release, I'm seeing it start to live up to it's abilities and actually become a useful part of my day-to-day work. I am having some problems, but I think it might be residue on my system from all the previous versions and changes it's gone through. I use a separate partition for user data, so while the operating system and KDE have been updated many times, the .kde4 folder and all it's contents have remained unchanged by me. I believe some of the problems I'm having with nepomuk are being caused by "legacy" data in it's database. I'm not totally adverse to killing the processes and deleting the nepomuk folder to allow it to be rebuilt by the current version, but I realize I'll also lose a lot of the information (tags, comments) that I've accumulated and use. So my question is: is this even necessary? Does nepomuk "police" itself and remove unneeded or outdated data? I searched the post for an answer, but didn't find anything that said unequivocally it does or doesn't. I don't want to lose all my annotations if I don't have to.


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