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Conky du Hublot (sample_6) display error

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I want to have Conky on my desktop ... -309722685
There is a configuration file to download.

Please have a look at a screenshot:

Why the hight of frame below clocks is so big? I tried to lower the value of minimum_size but it cuts the clock from the right side. I also tried setting maximum_size height 200 but it doesn't help. It covers my photo frame widgets so I want to make it smaller.
I read man conky but I can't figure it out.

I would be grateful if someone could modify this config so that it can show fun speed and motherboard temperatures.
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Have you tried resizing the Conky widget?

KDE Sysadmin
Registered Member
Yes. It doesn't worked. I moved it down to the bottom of the screen. Have a look at the screenshot:
It looks good in this position but if possible I'd like to know what is the source of the problem.
Here is current config:

I wish someone could also tell me how to or even write config for this date with the line below (without indicators): ... -141963883
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Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with Conky configuration files.
Only other things I can suggest is attempting to replicate this under a new user with no other existing setup there.

KDE Sysadmin
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apache wrote:I wish someone could also tell me how to or even write config for this date with the line below (without indicators): ... -141963883

Code: Select all
${time %A, %d %B %Y}

Regarding the empty space below your conky you can try the following at the bottom of your conkyrc;
Code: Select all
${voffset -120}

Adjust the 120 value as needed if it makes any difference. If not you will find the problem is part of your lua script, and not conky at all. Look over the lua script and find the size and position values...
If you have resized the diameter of the images output in conky then this is your problem. If not, reduce the size and/or position of the output from within your lua script...
eg, position might look like Verticle=2, Horizontal=2 etc... try values of 1.5 etc
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I am not a KDE user (no tomatoes please) but I am a Conky nut and have that conky.
I saw what you see as well. The answer is a fairly simple fix.
For every line of code under TEXT conky draws a line on the screen. So the original code draws a lot of lines it doesn't use because of the absolute positioning of the images with the "-p" call

Original conky
Code: Select all
${image ~/conky/orb-1b.png -p 0,-2}

${image ~/conky/orb-1a.png -p 150,-2}
${color}${goto 202}${voffset 12}${font digitalk-mono:size=26}${cpu cpu0}${font pftempestafivecondensed:size=6}${color1}
${color1}${goto 197}cpu ${color}[${color1} % ${color}]${color1}
${image ~/conky/orb-1a.png -p 300,-2}
${color}${goto 353}${voffset -50}${font digitalk-mono:size=26}${memperc}${font pftempestafivecondensed:size=6}${color1}
${color1}${goto 345}mem ${color}[${color1} % ${color}]${color1}
${image ~/conky/orb-1a.png -p 450,-2}
${color}${goto 502}${voffset -50}${font digitalk-mono:size=26}${swapperc}${font pftempestafivecondensed:size=6}${color1}
${color1}${goto 491}swap ${color}[${color1} % ${color}]${color1}
${image ~/conky/orb-1a.png -p 600,-2}
${color}${goto 653}${voffset -50}${font digitalk-mono:size=26}${fs_used_perc /home}${font pftempestafivecondensed:size=6}${color1}
${color1}${goto 641}home ${color}[${color1} % ${color}]${color1}
${image ~/conky/orb-1a.png -p 750,-2}
${color}${goto 802}${voffset -50}${font digitalk-mono:size=26}${fs_used_perc /}${font pftempestafivecondensed:size=6}${color1}
${color1}${goto 793}root ${color}[${color1} % ${color}]${color1}

${exec feh --bg-scale "`grep 'wallpaper=' ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc | tail --lines=1 | sed 's/wallpaper=//'`"}

can be changed to (note the change of directories to work here on my system):
Code: Select all
${image ~/conky/du_hublot/conky/orb-1b.png -p 0,-2}\
${image ~/conky/du_hublot/conky/orb-1a.png -p 150,-2}\
${image ~/conky/du_hublot/conky/orb-1a.png -p 300,-2}\
${image ~/conky/du_hublot/conky/orb-1a.png -p 450,-2}\
${image ~/conky/du_hublot/conky/orb-1a.png -p 600,-2}\
${image ~/conky/du_hublot/conky/orb-1a.png -p 750,-2}

${voffset 5}${goto 202}${font digitalk-mono:size=26}${cpu cpu0}\
${goto 353}${memperc}\
${goto 502}${swapperc}\
${goto 653}${fs_used_perc /home}\
${goto 802}${fs_used_perc /}${font}
${voffset 5}${goto 197}cpu [ % ]\
${goto 345}mem [ % ]\
${goto 491}swap [ % ]\
${goto 641}home [ % ]\
${goto 793}root [ % ]${exec feh --bg-scale "`grep 'wallpaper=' ~/.kde/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc | tail --lines=1 | sed 's/wallpaper=//'`"}

That is a total of 4 lines under TEXT since "\" joins the lines. That second code is what I use less the ${exec feh --bg...} call.
See it here: Image and code
Registered Member
You registered just to help. That's very kind of you. I appreciate it.
Indeed your code makes things cleaner and easy. I succeeded. Now it is easy to move it across the screen to fit different configurations of other desktop elements, like for example another conky.

By the way do you know how to avoid conky to draw for every line of code under TEXT a line on the screen? That would help me to configure: ... -141963883
With bigger font the line is far below date and this doesn't look good.
I want to move date and clock closer to the line.
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Registered Member
apache wrote:You registered just to help. That's very kind of you. I appreciate it.

I want to move date and clock closer to the line.

Yes as a matter of fact I did to help you. You're more than welcome.
Conky is a passion of mine and one of the very few things I know in the Linux world.

Above TEXT you have the lines:
Code: Select all
# -- Text settings -- #
use_xft yes
xftfont URW Chancery L:size=24
xftalpha 0.8

and you are not using the font URW Chancery L:size=24 at that size change the default font to 16 - works nice:
Code: Select all
xftfont URW Chancery L:size=16

Now lets take a look at the code below TEXT:
Code: Select all
${offset 14}${font URW Chancery L:size=50}${time %A, %d %B %Y}
${hr 2}
${offset 220}${font URW Chancery L:size=100}${time %H.%M}${font}
${exec feh --bg-scale /home/atlanta/blacknoise.png}

In the first line you have the font set at size 50 for %A, %d %B %Y - we'll add a close font command ${font} it will automatically change the spacing between the day date and the HR line from 24 to 16 pixels
then an hr2
then font at size 200 for %H.%M - that will need couple of vertical offsets - the first before the TIME to bring it up and the second at the end to bring the bottom the the conky window up just below the TIME (I used non transparency to show the second part with the window closing just below TIME)
The code:
Code: Select all
${offset 14}${font URW Chancery L:size=50}${time %A, %d %B %Y}${font}
${hr 2}${exec feh --bg-scale /home/atlanta/blacknoise.png}
${voffset -40}${goto 220}${font URW Chancery L:size=100}${time %H.%M}${font}${voffset -80}

- by adding your ${exec feh ---} behind the ${hr 2} it saves a space, not sure how that works, you may need to add it to the end of the last line, after the ${voffset -80} so as not to create yet another line.
Hope that helps.
Registered Member
I managed to get the desired effect.

Thank both of you very much.

It's good to have someone so conky knowledgeable in KDE community. Welcome! ;)
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apache wrote:@Sector11
It's good to have someone so conky knowledgeable in KDE community. Welcome! ;)

Thank you apache. Glad to see you up and running. du Hublot created a nice clean conky and combining it with londonali1010's clock idea adds a really nice touch to it. I like the combined look you came up with.

pagoda's ${voffset -xx} tip should be a keeper if you ever run into the problem again. Before that command existed these 'empty spaces' at the bottoms of conky windows really annoyed people. It is one of my must not forget commands in my opinion. Kudos pagoda I probably would have used it without even thinking about it.

@ bcooksley - I hope it's OK to be here. I know nothing about KDE (I love Kate, but to many dependencies). I did however learn a couple of things about running conky in Kubuntu from a friend, Crinos512.
Registered Member
Indeed welcome to KDE and the light... o)
As you are well aware conky is a chasm that is best experienced burried, not dissimilar to KDE in that sense. And as there is 1 partition already on your drive faithfully dedicated to #!, I unashamingly wonder if there might not be space for another o/s? xD
Now the sell!
Perhaps in that way you might share and advise first hand on all matters conky, particularly the possibilities of Mr Peachy's interactive conky design?
Now hopefully the hook...
I warn though if you should accept such an undertaking and turn the first sod, KDE users might finally have a mighty conky reference located right here?
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@ pagoda - Good morning (it is here)

Thank you for the welcome, and the pitch. I have 8 partitions and #8 is an empty 66GB just itching for something, but I have to sneak it in when my wife isn't looking. We share this machine, I bork it, I'm dead. In my early days of Linux, 2007, I used Ubuntu switched to Xubuntu and then #! recently I added VSIDO Debian so I use two OS's. Also, there is no shame in asking and I'll be honest, I have never thought about it. KDE you say - well this isn't my old P-III any more. I will consider it, how's that. I looked at a GNOME 3 distro yesterday, I'm always 'looking', - NO NO NO! Hate Nautilus, surprising how fast that came back, plus it was all geared up for iPod, iPad,iPhone iEverything - if I wanted 'Mac' I'd eat an Apple. I have to admit, this plasmoid stuff peaks my interest. So yea, it's a possibility - at least to look at and test.

If you have a "KDE related conky problem" you could try and contact Crinos512 on the Ubuntu forums as well. Tell him I sent you, he's been using KDE since I met him over there, smart guy.

mrpeachy's interactive conky and interactive weather based on his v9000 LUA weather script: weather in conky (LUA scripts) have definitely put mrpeachy on the map. Combine those with falldown's artistic skills with GIMP and it's a willing combination all around. mrpeachy also wrote: HOW TO : using lua scripts in conky - I think he did that because of the 1,000,001 questions I asked about LUA. I'm really green behind the ears when it comes to LUA - can't write it, but can manipulate it some. If you join the #! forums to talk to mrpeachy about LUA and conky you will be welcomed with open arms. mrpeachy is a Linux Mint user and he choose the #! forums for his work a reason. We do not discriminate on the darkside - and we have cookies and coffee too!

Because I don't use KDE I can't - and won't - answer conky problems that are KDE related, and I have seen some ... but if I install a KDE distro ... I will be here to help in anyway I can, regardless. Sick at the moment (heavy duty cold) I cruised this forum yesterday. Hmmmmmmmm Mission Impossible a few yeas ago (P-III) is Mission Possible today with an Athlon II x3 & 6GB RAM - not a power house, but not too shabby either. no 'harm' in trying it - right?

I leave you with my Desktop 1 - Desktop 2 has 6 more conkys but missing the Chronograph:
The Chronograph is a mrpeachy lua script highly modified, I like 24 hour time. I have set-up the script to use English and Spanish. it can be changed to a 12 clock with some simple adjustments (thanks to mrpeachy). That's his v9000 weather script on the right as well.

Tried to find a better place to put this but didn't find a dedicated conky or welcome thread.
Registered Member
Good news. The pitch was a bit of harmless fun but I thought the plasma desktop might have piqued your interest somewhat. And who knows, in the meantime a new experience all round might be beneficial for everyone . To be honest I'm not sure how a conky thread might be received here as they can become quite...busy? as you know but bcooksley could advise on this. I did think of a thread specifically to address the KDE desktop and while there are many existing conky threads elsewhere, none seem to explore what more might be possible in this d/e. Generally conky behaves well on KDE from my limited experience so I don't see any showstoppers TBH. And because this desktop has a distinct look and feel, it might also be possible to create .png's for use with conky in keeping with the default and some of the popular plasma themes to share around also. Just some of my thoughts.

Code: Select all
${if_match ${COLD heavy.duty}==Sector11}${endif}chicken_soup

All the best


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