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General question about KShortcuts behavior (KDE 4.8.5)

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Hi all,

I'm trying to set shortcuts in Krusader. I can set them, and they work fine for the current session. When I restart, however, the shortcuts are gone.

After looking at the Krusader source, I figured out that KShortcuts is a standard KDE service. So, I tried changing some shortcut settings in Konsole to see what would happen:

1. Go into Konsole, Settings --> Configure Shortcuts
2. Change "About KDE" to have CTRL+ALT+A shortcut.
3. Click OK.
4. Try CTRL+ALT+A --> About dialog appears.
5. Close Konsole. Open Konsole again.
6. Try CTRL+ALT+A --> About dialog appears. Great so far.
7. Go to Settings --> Configure Shortcuts, Click "Details >>"
8. Create a new scheme with "New", call it "Foo" (no quotes)
9. Change "About KDE" to have CTRL+ALT+A shortcut
10. Click OK
11. Try CTRL+ALT+A --> About dialog appears
12. Close Konsole. Open Konsole again.
13. Try CTRL+ALT+A --> Nothing happens (!!!)
14. Settings --> Configure Shortcuts
15. There are no shortcuts configured for anything.
16. Click "Details >>" and notice that scheme "Foo" is allegedly loaded
17. Load scheme Default and then Load scheme Foo again --> "About KDE" shortcut is restored

In summary, you can only change shortcuts for the default scheme and have them persist across sessions. Krusader seems to have a different issue where the 'import shortcuts' feature is also broken.

What I'm wondering is, if anyone else can reproduce the above behavior, and if this is expected or not before I file a bug on it?

Thank you!
Happens, smells like a bug on loading the non-default scheme.
The scheme is saved (~/.kde/share/apps/konsole/konsoleui.rc) and if you enter the shortcuts editor, switch to default and then back to Foo it's there and operative.
Registered Member
luebking wrote:Happens, smells like a bug on loading the non-default scheme.
The scheme is saved (~/.kde/share/apps/konsole/konsoleui.rc) and if you enter the shortcuts editor, switch to default and then back to Foo it's there and operative.

Yep, I saw the same thing.

Thank you so much luebking for testing. 8)


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