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Font Rendering of LibreOffice in KDE

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LibreOffice font rendering is improved after 3.6 release. But in KDE it still cannot have the benefit. GNOME works, LXDE and other desktop enviroment enjoys this improvement.

Here is my detailed bug report on FDO: ... i?id=59818

I think there is something missing. If you can help to find it and fix this bug report KDE users will enjoy a better look of LibreOffice.

Best regards
Registered Member
Awww... I have to confirm.
This font rendering is a real pain in the eyes.

Another reason to stay with FVWM, which doesn't have this problem...
Except that the problem is is OOo only.

Basically, OOo font rendering looks **** with autohinting, so you got to disable that.
Why it does so in other contexts, but not in KDE, i don't know.

Unfortunately, i'm not aware of process matching in fontconfig, so you'll have to add a customized fonts.conf for OOo (disabling the autohinter), and export FONTCONFIG_FILE to point this file.
You should find the current fonts.conf in ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf

Alternatively (the mentioned approach is a bit more complex than you might think) you could disable autohinting for "big" fonts, because for small fonts it's usually helpful (esp. since few fonts like the adobe source fonts have actually really good byte code hints) but for big fonts will rather turn inferior:

<match target="font">
<edit mode="assign" name="autohint">
<match target="font">
<test compare="more_eq" name="pixelsize" qual="any">
<edit mode="assign" name="autohint">

This (replacing the present autohint handling) will disable autohinting if the RASTERED! size >= 12 PIXEL, it does NOT relate to the fonts actual POINT SIZE!
As mentioned, one could also match the Adobe fonts and remove autohinting for them altogether, but for "free" fonts (esp. funny ones you find on the Internet, on free font pages) byte code hints are nearly useless.


If you care about font rendering on Linux, the general solution is btw. to replace freetype2/fontconfig by their infinality versions: ... -with.html

And don't ask me why that's not default on all distros - i don't know.
Registered Member
Thank you for this detailed and useful information!

I'll get Infinality - sounds great! I didn't know of it before!

Regarding the font problem with OOO and KDE:
When I started OOO today, the fonts were displayed good, not malformed.
As I didn't change anything in the font configuration, something strange must have happened.

Here is what I actually did:

On Christmas I installed current OpenSuse 13.1 from scratch on a clean HD.
I played around much with KDE, doing no "normal productive work".
It looks really great. I love it, but it has some issues.
When I read this thread I opened OOO and verified that the fonts are distorted.
It looked horribly.

Up to then, the computer has been started two or three times, ONLY using KDE, no other window managers.
However, then I decided to log off and log in using FVWM, just to verify that it's not a flaw of OpenSuse itself.
When I started OOO from FVWM, the fonts were displayed correctly, not horribly malformed as they looked in KDE before.
After that I looked for a few minutes at icewm and E17 before going back to FVWM.
And today when I started KDE and OOO again, the fonts were displayed correctly!

Something miraculous has happened. I don't know what it was.
I didn't do any configurations in the time between verifying the distorted font rendering in KDE/OOO (except of restoring my favorite fvwmrc from backup)!

Maybe the problem only appears on machines freshly installed out of the box that never had another window manager than KDE running ?
Maybe there is something which KDE doesn't initialize correctly?
I have no idea what the problem could be, but my observation could maybe help in reproducing/ finding the origin of the problem?
Hard to say because I don't know what you saw.
It simply might be that OOo had not done some initial config (not antialised?) or just as well that there's been a conflict on GL invocation (KWin compositor, OOo "Hardware Acceleration")
For nvidia systems, ppl. activating FXAA is very popular (but that affects all font and other rendering, FXAA is a full-scene antialiaser. Ppl. click it and then report bugs against KWin for a blurry display =)
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Registered Member
SOLVED for me by following ... 58285.html thread.

Go to System Settings > Application Appearances > Font > look at bottom > "Use antialiasing" > set Enabled > configure > set "Slight" for hinting style.

Look at my screenshot:



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