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Dashboard control # activities per virtual desktop?

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I am confused about how the setting under workplace behavior, (3rd section workspace where you check either show desktop widgets for dashboard or show independent set) affects the desktop. Just what is referred to as "dashboard"? Is it the bottom panel where the task manager is? Is it the activity bar which shows all activities? Is it both? I just can't seem to tell what that does? Does it control how many activities show up on each virtual desktop?

I have one monitor. I have made two virtual desktops. Am I suppose to be able to tie a specific activity to just one of these desktops? Or will all activities which I make show up on both virtual desktops regardless? Is there a limit to how many activities one can make per virtual desktop? or limit for all desktops? I have read through the help handbooks on activities and read & watched tutorials online but can find nothing which explains this in detail. They only vaguely describe what they are suppose to be and how they are suppose to be different from virtual desktops. I can't find anything that tells if and how to tie a activity to a virtual desktop or how many can be made. My activities appear on both desktop activity bars until I click on one then it switches to the virtual desktop where it was original made. Can someone please explain this a little? I sorry if this is a duplicate post but I couldn't find any other questions which answered my questions here. ???
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The widget dashboard is shown when you press Ctrl + F12 by default. It can either be tied to your main desktop view, or be independent.

KDE Sysadmin
Registered Member
Thank-you. So my widget dashboard shows up on top. That is the one which the dashboard setting controls then.

What about the second part of the question:

“I have one monitor. I have made two virtual desktops (to clarify my pager shows that I have made two virtual desktops as I desired). Am I suppose to be able to tie a specific activity to just one of these desktops? Or will all activities which I make show up on both virtual desktops regardless? Is there a limit to how many activities one can make per virtual desktop? or a limit for the total number of activities for all virtual desktops? I have read through the help handbooks on activities and read & watched tutorials online but can find nothing which explains this in detail. They only vaguely describe what they are suppose to be and how they are suppose to be different from virtual desktops. I can't find anything that tells if and how to tie a activity to a virtual desktop or how many can be made. My activities appear on both desktop activity bars until I click on one activity then it switches to the virtual desktop where it was original made."
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Based on what i've seen I would advise against linking virtual desktops to activities - while i've heard this mentioned in the past, I know others have experienced problems with this functionality.

KDE Sysadmin
Registered Member
Okay, Thanks.

So I guess this means that all my activities are suppose to show up no matter which of my two desktops I am on. That's fine with me. :)

I was reading in another post where someone else was advised to always go back to the default desktop when switching or it could cause instability. Is this true? This is somewhat confusing too because my default desktop has two virtual desktops/workspaces so does it matter which I switch from within the default desktop? Or is this even really true?

P.S. (That post was thoroughly confusing as that guy felt that activities should be higher than desktops so that desktops are within activities. I feel that would be horribly confusing esp. for newbies to KDE like me. I feel the opposite way that activities should be within desktops. That's just my opinion though.)
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I'm afraid i've little experience with Activities so I can't comment in regards to stability. In general though, Plasma Desktop shouldn't crash - if it does, then this is a bug.

KDE Sysadmin
Registered Member
Oh, unfortunately, mine crashed the other night on me. :( I think that it was the first time though for a plasma crash, although I've had some other problems. I am, however, on an older computer with several other desktops installed on Ubuntu. When it crashed the other night I was attempting to open Konqueror. I had been trying to watch the KDE tutorials on YouTube with the Firefox browser when it stopped responding. My son checked to make sure all plug-ins & settings were correct on Firefox. The problem persisted so we downloaded Chromium. They played okay in Chromium as long as I stayed in the first window opened. They wouldn't play in a tab in Chromium. That frustrated me as I do a search for the videos; then watch them in a separate tab to keep the search list. So I changed to Konqueror & the plasma crashed. It didn't appear to do much damage; I just had to realign the panels. Anyway, I then downloaded Midori which worked. (I had read Midori did well with older computers. It is a bland browser visually but works well. I have since read on your forum that Firefox sometimes needs patches which OpenSUSE is suppose to have.)

Anyway, thank you for all you help.


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