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Removing the Wastebin

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Removing the Wastebin

Fri Dec 12, 2014 1:20 am
Is it possible to remove the Wastebin, and the menu options to"send to wastebin"? I do not like the concept of the wastebin, nor it's practice. Aside from the fact that it goes against the Unix 'policy' it encourages sloppiness in taking care of what you do. Added to which the 'ghost' icon it puts in place of deleted files, appears to inform the system that the files are still there, despite having 'emptied' the wastebin. Since the files arre still there 'notionally' I find that I can't add files, nor could I delete the ghost file This relates to a CF card that I overfilled., deleted the files in case some were not complete, and then found that I could not put the (reduced) list of files back.


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