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The mouse wheel and the action bar

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The mouse wheel and the action bar

Sat Jan 03, 2015 9:02 pm
Is there any way of disabling the most annoying action of the mouse wheel in the acion bar? Too often I find that when using the mouse wheel, for example to scroll down a listing, in a window, for, if the cursor inadvertantly moves out of the window onto the action bar, the screen erups in a cascade of opening widows of previously minimised windows. Which then all have to be closed downagain, and the current screen recovered. This function I find is irritating and pointless, since far better methods of selecting any minimised window for opening already exist, by a single click on it's occurence in the action bar. In this, I do not include the equally pointless idea of amalgamating all windows with the same applcation in a single icon in the action bar.


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