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How disable context menus in workspace icons?

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Hi, my name is Renato, I'm 56 y.o brazilian guy, a curious end-user and this is my first post in this forum. I've just installed (and upgraded and updated) Kubuntu 14.04, the first Linux SO I'm in contact, and I confess it's very useful and beatyful. I came form Windows experience and get really tired to get malware. If I understood well (english is not my mother tonge, excuse), we say "workspace" instead of "desktop" in Linux/KDE environment, is it? Well... I'd like to make some tweaks: disable the context menu that appears when I put the mouse cursor upon an workspace icon (miximize, reload, tools and close), mainly to prevent somebody to acidentally "erase" this icon from the workspace, and I'd like to move these icons through the screen, organize them, put left together the icons for office applications, centered the Internet applications and right, the sound and movies edditing applications. I've found a suggestion here ( viewtopic.php?f=14&t=110540&p=261755&hilit=icons+context+menus#p261755 ) but it doesn't work. I'd like, too, to find other tweaks to mak the boot process faster. For example, why appears a screen, when I boot, showing a hard drive, some other icons I don't remember now and the "K" button if these icons aren't useful? Is there a way to supress this screen, going directly to the workspace?

Thanks in advance.

P.S.: I've applied already some tweaks I've found through Internet but as I can understand they all refers to the... kernel? The way the SO treats disk, RAM, etc. I can post them here if this tweaks are important. Or I can post my hardware description... whatever could be important.
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to disable context menu - left click on desktop -> lock widgets

to organize widgets - try the quicklaunch widget to create groups

re the screen - you can change it but it probably won't decrease the load times as it just displays a graphic during the KDE load process

if you want thinks to boot faster then the best thing to do is buy an ssd for the / partition,

the quickening of the boot and KDE load times has been discussed many times both here and on the web I'd suggest searching this and the Kubuntu forums as well as the web for suggestions - couple of quick things:
- again buy an ssd
- start KDE with an empty session
- remove apps/processes that you don't use that are part of the Linux load of course if you don't know what you're doing your system may no longer boot
- download bootchart which will graphically display what in your boot process is using how much of the time
- be wary if your don't know what your doing because the system could break

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

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an easy thing to do for quicker boots - don't shutdown either hibernate or sleep

OpenSuse Leap 42.1 x64, Plasma 5.x

Registered Member
Thank you, google01103, it worked fine locking the widgets. And actually, I'm not sure what happened - I've sniffed everywhere - but now the desktop icons show only two signal, a "+" (plus) and a "-" (minus) when I put the mouse cursor over them. And now I can move the icons throught the screen, grouping them the way I said. It's ok for me. Thanks again.


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