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How to revert back to the old dark classic look

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I'm running a Linux system that I have tweaked and customized to get my desired look. The look and feel that I desire is this:


Now, I want to find a more systematic way to deploy a system with this look and feel. Preferably something that will survive future updates of Plasma 5, how do I do that?

I tried a fresh Linux install of OpenSUSE and the following steps had to be taken:
Switch to dark breeze theme under "Look and Feel", go to "Destktop Theme", download the following themes:
Breeze Dark Classic
and swap between them until a desired look is achieved ending up with Arquetype-Breeze as a choice. In Appearance -> Color I chose Breeze Dark as Scheme.

Then I go on to "Edit panel" for the panel at the bottom. In the edit mode I chose to add widget. From the menu I drag the "application launcher" down to the bottom left corner and then remove the old widget that features the "Kicker" menu.

Now the problem with the bottom panel is that it is hWhite and I want it to be black. Does anyone know how to accomplish that?

Then there is the issue with those cheap and "colorful" shutdown icons which apparently can be dealt with as per this thread:


just make sure that the cache is flushed in order to make these changes take effect. I'm not sure how to flush the icon cache though.

This is not exactly an easy and simple way of accomplishing things and I'm doubtful that this will survive even the next update. So if anyone knows how to get these customizations update survivable it would be much appreciated.
Registered Member
The issue with the h-white kicker panel, kickoff, kickass kike panel, statusbar or whatever the name of that bar at the bottom is, used to be resolved in the "Details" tab of the "desktoptheme" window. What the hell?!? Why is this removed? How do I customize the theme now?


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